Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Thursday, November 7, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Kamala’s Concession, Sort Of
Donald Trump dodged a bullet on July 13th, and America dodged a bullet on November 5th when Trump won the election.
In her concession speech yesterday, Kamala Harris offered a few throwaway lines about accepting the results. But, just in case anyone had any doubts, she also announced that the left’s resistance to Trump will begin immediately.
Harris said she and her leftist allies “will never give up the fight” to destroy innocent preborn babies or take away your Second Amendment rights. Then she vowed to “continue this fight in the courts and in the public square.”
Given what we have seen in recent years, that sounds like a call for more lawfare, weaponizing the legal system against conservatives, and for more riots in the streets.
In fact, governors in Nevada, Oregon, and Washington State mobilized the National Guard before Election Day just to be safe. Businesses in Washington, D.C., also began boarding up last week. Officials in Las Vegas, Portland, Seattle, and the District of Columbia were worried about leftist Antifa riots, not MAGA riots.
Some people might say that Trump did not graciously concede four years ago. The situation then was very different. In 2020, Trump lost the presidency by just 43,000 votes spread across three states in an election full of irregularities and outright violations of the law. (Here, here, and here.)
Harris lost resoundingly. She had no choice but to concede. She would have to reverse the results in a dozen or more states by millions of votes. But she did try to steal the election.
For the past four years, Harris, Biden, and their radical allies frantically tried to steal the election. They did everything they could think of, starting with Nancy Pelosi’s January 6th kangaroo court.
Then they weaponized federal law enforcement and the legal system against Trump. They raided his home. They tried to put Trump in jail. They tried to bankrupt him. They tried kicking him off the ballot.
That’s not defending democracy. That’s what dictators do!
After Abraham Lincoln won the presidency in 1860, Stephen Douglas, who was also a candidate for president, told Lincoln, “Partisan feeling must yield to patriotism. I’m with you, Mr. President, and God bless you.”
That kind of unity would be great. But today’s neo-Marxist left rejects God, and it hates patriotism because it hates America. If you love Jesus and love America, the left says you’re a dangerous “Christian nationalist” and a threat to the country.
So, as long as the left is fighting for its radical agenda (see below), we must also continue fighting for Faith, Family, and Freedom.
Kamala’s Got Chutzpah
Something else in her “concession” speech jumped out at me. She said, “In our nation, we owe loyalty not to a president or a party, but to the Constitution of the United States.”
Are you kidding me?!
From the very first day that Harris and Biden occupied the White House, they have been at war with the Constitution. They have relentlessly undermined free speech. They have attacked religious liberty. They have schemed to scrap the Second Amendment without actually repealing it.
They weaponized the government to destroy their political opponents. They spied on parents and churches. They prosecuted grandmothers for praying.
But now she suddenly discovers the Constitution?
Harris also urged young left-wing Americans disappointed by the results to keep fighting, knowing that “sometimes the fight takes a while.” She seriously underperformed with young voters. Is she still clueless about what happened and why?
The left’s extremism and failed policies are alienating people and driving millions of Americans into conservative populism.
Leftist Hysteria
Here’s Exhibit A in the insanity that has seized control of the left: Malcolm Nance.
Nance is a veteran and has appeared in the media as an expert on national security and counterterrorism. He believes the left’s unhinged rhetoric that Donald Trump is a dictator. In his view, America is lurching toward civil war. Here’s what he posted on social media yesterday:
“LET’S GET SOMETHING STRAIGHT. The American People voted to absolutely make sure LOADS of people would die at Trumps hands.
“Their daughters, their wives, children & their fellow citizens will die from school shootings, pregnancy & easily cured diseases. It’s free hunting season for blacks with immunity for white cops.
“Muslims & Latinos will DEFINITELY die in mass deportation roundups/camps. Gaza will be bulldozed if not ethnically cleansed. Iranians who want democracy will die. Ukrainians are dying in droves already.”
This is demagoguery of the worst type.
No one voted for “loads of people to die.” Many people voted for Trump hoping to avoid World War III. White cops are not the threat to black Americans. Hispanics just voted for Trump in record numbers. No one is going to “die in camps.”
A Great Sight
After Donald Trump delivered his victory speech in the early hours of Wednesday morning, a group of Christians gathered outside the main hall and began to sing “How Great Thou Art.” Watch it here.
Seeing this spontaneous worship service reminded me of an interfaith service Carol and I attended at the National Cathedral for Trump’s 2017 inauguration. Marlana VanHoose, a blind young lady, sang “How Great Thou Art” at the service.
Yet during that beautiful moment at the National Cathedral, the Deep State was putting the finishing touches on the Russian collusion lie to destroy the incoming Trump administration. They sustained that lie for more than two years, accomplishing exactly what they wanted to accomplish.
I have no idea what the Deep State is planning now, but I know it’s planning something.
Disappearing Voters
I joked yesterday about the Democrats’ missing votes, but now I’m serious. Let’s look at past election results for the Democrat candidate.
2004 John Kerry 59 million votes.
2008 Barack Obama 69.5 million votes.
2012 Barack Obama 65.9 million votes.
2016 Hillary Clinton 65.8 million votes.
2020 Joe Biden 81 million votes.
2024 Kamala Harris 68 million votes.
Which one of these is not like the other ones?
From 2004 to 2016, there’s a fairly consistent pattern in the Democrat vote totals. But all of a sudden, it shoots up to 81 million. Then, it disappears this week after Harris and various left-wing groups spent billions of dollars to turn out their voters in an election that, according to the left, presented a “clear existential threat to freedom and democracy.”
How is that possible?
One explanation could be that we got caught flatfooted and unprepared four years ago to deal with all the ways cheating takes place in Democrat big city machines. This year, we had an army of lawyers, poll watchers, and volunteers. In the days leading up to the election, the RNC was in court more than 100 times.
One is left with the not unusual conclusion that this huge drop-off in Democrat votes is evidence that they stole the 2020 election.
