No Election Can Legitimize Fascism
Virtual Forum
Friday November 8 8:00 pm ET | 7:00 pm CT | 5:00 pm PT
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What does it mean for the future that half of the country voted for a white supremacist, misogynist Fascist? What must be done? and more!
with Refuse Fascism Editorial Board Members:
Paul Street: of the Paul Street Report on Substack, brings an understanding that it is the history of the US and the system we live under that has given rise to this virulent fascism.
Andy Zee: a host of The RNL - Revolution Nothing Less - Show brings a revolutionary perspective put forward by the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian that it’s “time to look seriously for solutions outside and beyond this system” working for a revolution to emancipate humanity.
Hosted by Sam Goldman, the Refuse Fascism podcast
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Bring your anguish, your sadness, your outrage & come together to discuss the fascist Trump electoral victory, why this is happening, what it means & what’s needed now from people of conscience.
Trump & Vance are FASCIST
Trump & Vance are ILLEGITIMATE
No election can legitimize fascism
In the name of humanity, we REFUSE to accept a fascist America
Sponsored by REFUSE FASCISM in association with The RNL--Revolution Nothing Less-- Show
Sam Goldman and the Refuse Fascism national team
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Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 2 East 28th Street #321, New York NY 10016-7402