This period is like pushing a reset button, allowing deer to settle back into their patterns.

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DNR News

Nov. 7, 2024
Contact: Katie Gervasi, 517-290-0679

Firearm deer season's five-day quiet period begins Sunday

does in field

Throughout Michigan, hunters are preparing stands, blinds and camps for the upcoming firearm deer season, which begins Friday, Nov. 15. Although there's understandable excitement ahead of the opener, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources reminds everyone to respect the state's five-day quiet period, Nov. 10-14.

During these five days, unless hunting for small game, waterfowl or fur harvesting, it is unlawful to transport or possess a rifle or shotgun with buckshot, slug load, ball load or cut shell in an area frequented by deer. Unloaded firearms securely encased or carried in the trunk of a vehicle may be transported to or from a hunting camp.

“Hunters know that they are on the cusp of another Michigan firearm deer season once we enter into the five-day quiet period,” said Capt. Pete Wright, DNR Law Enforcement Division. “Those critical days create a window of time, just before the opener, when hunters can catch their breath and the woods have a chance to calm.

"This period is like pushing a reset button, allowing deer to settle back into their day-to-day patterns, which in turn increases the chances of a successful hunt.”

Small game or waterfowl hunters and fur harvesters can still carry the appropriate firearm for the season. Small game and waterfowl hunters may carry shotguns with shotshells for hunting small game, but cannot possess buckshot, slugs, ball loads or cut shells during this time. Fur harvesters may carry rimfire firearms (.22-caliber or smaller) while actively hunting or checking traplines during the open furbearing animal season.

Refer to the 2024 Deer Hunting Regulations Summary for more information.

Contact the Report All Poaching hotline at 800-292-7800 to report trespassing, shooting or other related natural resource violations.

Note to editors: An accompanying photo is available below for download. Caption information follows.

Does: The Michigan firearm deer season's five-day quiet period is Nov. 10-14. During this period, unless hunting for small game, waterfowl or fur harvesting, it is unlawful to transport or possess a rifle or shotgun with buckshot, slug load, ball load or cut shell in an area frequented by deer. Unloaded firearms securely encased or carried in the trunk of a vehicle may be transported to or from a hunting camp.

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