May 14, 2020
When we at SHARK first heard that the Cottonwood Rodeo, located in Shasta County, CA, was going to hold its Mother’s Day Rodeo in violation of State and County COVID-19 orders, we desperately tried to warn officials that this was a real danger the public health. You can read the emails we sent HERE.
Tragically, the Shasta County Health Department and Sheriff, Eric Magrini, ignored our warnings - and disaster ensued.
Local TV station KRCR filmed the rodeo, where two-thousand men, women and children were packed together as if they had never heard that we are in the middle of a massive pandemic.
SHARK's warning was even covered in a story in the Record Searchlight. Here is a quote from us:
“It is absolutely shocking that no one cares that this rodeo is happening this weekend, and that there is a good chance the virus will spread and more people will die.”

Rodeos have proven they don't care about animals - now we know they don't care about human lives either
A number of the contestants and attendees were not from Shasta County, but from around California and at least three other states; Washington, Idaho and Oregon. By holding this idiotic and reckless event, Sheriff Magrini and Jeff Davis, the stock contractor for the Cottonwood Rodeo, have now put thousands of lives in multiple states at risk.

Sheriff Eric Magrini in a TV interview before the rodeo, saying why he was allowing it to go on. He's not smirking like that now that his mistake has cost Shasta County so much. You can see what he says in our new video
Our email warnings to Governor Newsom's staff worked; right after the rodeo was held, he immediately punished Shasta County by delaying their re-opening due to the rodeo. That, however, is not enough.
The Cottonwood rodeo, Sheriff Magrini and all the state and local officials who refused to take action have made a mockery of California’s efforts to save lives. Governor Newsom must take action against those responsible for this public health disaster, including violating Executive Orders and for endangering lives. If he doesn’t, then more and more of these events will happen, and it will reverse the gains California has made against this deadly virus.
SHARK is still working everyday to stop animal cruelty. Please click the banner below to support our efforts to save lives!


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Kindest Regards,
Steve Hindi and Your SHARK Team