Hi John, When you give through the Unto Gift Catalog, you do more than simply put gifts under a Christmas tree. You help change lives. There are so many ways you can provide humanitarian aid and share hope this year. Here are just a few examples of the impact you can make. When you give to provide meals, you help impact families like Mae’s in Cuba. After Mae’s husband left their family, she struggled to provide for her children’s basic needs. Thanks to people like you, she and her children now receive meals each week. The Christian community has brought them protection and restored their joy. Mae’s small home is now the site of a new church! Your generosity to supply clean water can impact people like Bihn and Lan* in Southeast Asia. Families in their community once had no choice but to drink surface water polluted by chemicals. After people like you helped drill a new clean water well in their community, Bihn had the opportunity to hear about Jesus and responded. He also told Lan about Jesus. They have seen many family and community members also trust in Him. Today they host a house church in their previously unreached village. Your gift of critical aid can impact people like Kiloki* in Tanzania. As the wife of the village chief, she worshiped her Maasai ancestors and knew little about Jesus. But then a community leader invited her to a women’s health workshop where she gained valuable information about health and hygiene, received critical aid and heard about Jesus. She responded in faith, and now Kiloki, her daughter, and another close relative walk an hour and a half to the local church twice a week! Please consider a generous gift through the Unto Gift Catalog today to help meet the physical and spiritual needs of those who have never heard about Jesus. Thank you for partnering with us to share joy in the toughest places.
Serving together,
P.S. Your gift through the Unto Gift Catalog will provide humanitarian aid and share hope with those who have never heard about Jesus. Please give generously today! |
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