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As everyone is aware, we are well into the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 across both B.C., Canada, and most of the world. While we all are still adjusting to the current reality, CHBA BC is looking for feedback from members on how COVID-19 has economically affected your business.
We are actively engaged with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ministry of Finance on economic recovery. Providing your input on how the below opportunities relate to you, and their relative importance, in your work as a member of CHBA BC will allow us to determine the best steps moving forward on this file.
You can participate in the survey here.
The deadline for your response is Friday, May 22nd, 2020.
Georgie's Corner
We are excited to announce that for the first time ever, the Georgie Awards will be held online, in a virtual format, scheduled for June 26. We had hoped that we could still hold an in-person gala later this year; however, in keeping with an abundance of caution, we have altered this year’s format, as there are ongoing restrictions on public gatherings and following the Association’s responsibility towards ensuring public health and safety during this pandemic.
You can find our full news release here. |
BC Housing
As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, we wanted to make you aware of helpful resources for construction industry professionals.
We expanded our Licensing and Consumer Services news page to provide key updates relating to COVID-19 for licensed residential builders and others in the construction industry, including information on:
- Construction site safety
- Continuing Professional Development
- Renewing your licence
- Financial supports
- Municipal updates
Guidance on Construction Site Safety and more
The Building and Safety Standards Branch website has a range of resources and guidance to help builders navigate the COVID-19 pandemic including:
Advocacy Update
April's Advocacy Update includes submissions to the province on the public beneficial ownership registry, residential flexibility in the ALR Intentions Paper, economic recovery policy discussions, and federal government financial support stemming from COVID-19. |
BC Housing
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
9:00am - 12:00pm
Thermal comfort leads the way as a key concern amongst residents of every building type. Poor design can result in discomfort and greater energy consumption as occupants compensate by altering their thermostats in drastic ways.
Join us to learn about how people perceive thermal comfort and the tools and techniques you can employ, with your design and building team, to reliably deliver optimal passive and active comfort solutions regardless of the extreme weather conditions. Register here
Government of British Columbia
BC’s Restart Plan lays out a series of steps that we will take together to protect people and ensure that our province can come back from COVID-19 stronger than before. Please consult this page for background information and the requirements for how the province of British Columbia will be reopening businesses (as outlined within).

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8