Tune in on Facebook or Twitter at 2pm ET THIS AFTERNOON to learn about Jamaal, how you can help him win a Green New Deal, and more.

Hi, John,

Join us THIS AFTERNOON at 2pm ET on our Facebook or Twitter for a livestreamed discussion featuring Sunrisers Varshini Prakash and Berenice Tompkins chatting with candidate Jamaal Bowman.

With one of the highest population densities in the country, New York has been hit particularly hard by the COVID-19 crisis. Bowman has been working tirelessly to help his community during this critical time but his opponent Engel has basically disappeared while constituents suffer.

Today, Jamaal will be discussing this crisis with us, the government’s response so far, and the Green New Deal as a solution for recovery. We’ll also chat about how we can help Jamaal secure this representative seat in the upcoming election.

Tune in on Facebook or Twitter at 2pm ET THIS AFTERNOON to learn about Jamaal, how you can help him win a Green New Deal, and more.

See you there,

Sophia, Sunrise


P.S. - Did you miss last night’s broadcast featuring Andrew Romanoff in Chicago? It still lives on our Facebook and Twitter, so you can watch when you’re ready.