Yesterday was a day we had waited for, hoped for, and worked for, for years. And last night’s results were not the ones we hoped for, or worked for, in many races, including the race for the White House.
Today, I write to you with tremendous gratitude, however, for the hope and the work that you have done for the vision we share.
I am grateful to all the volunteers and the voters who have made it possible for me to do this work and to return to Washington for a fourth term representing Texas’ Seventh Congressional District. I am grateful to all the members of #TeamLizzie who read these messages and responded, contributing money and time to support this campaign and our vision. Our victory in TX-07 is a testament to the hard work, support, and generous contributions of #TeamLizzie. Thank you.
I am grateful to my dear friend Colin Allred for putting himself on the field and giving us the opportunity to vote for a Senator of high integrity and commitment to all Texans. And I am grateful to Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for their campaign to unify and support the American people with vision and purpose. They all made us proud.
Many of us are still processing last night’s results, and still waiting to know the outcomes in several House races that will determine who will control the House of Representatives. But we already know we have work ahead.
Tomorrow, I will go back to work, determined to continue the fight and do the work that led me to this campaign in the first place. Since 2018, our campaign has been about building a coalition of people who want to ensure that our community’s core values of inclusion, innovation, and collaboration result in progress, equality, and opportunity for all Americans. Together, we have done essential work for our community and our country.
Over the last two years of this election cycle, we’ve seen so many reminders of how much elections matter. How much leadership matters. And how much you matter. We have also seen time and again what we can accomplish when we work together. And we have a lot of work ahead.
I remain committed to doing the work every day, and to making you proud to be a part of #TeamLizzie.
Together, we can do anything,
