14 May 2020
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31st Council - Online [3]
We are delighted to welcome you to the 31st European Green Party Council,
from 12 - 13 June 2020, which will take place online for the first time
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Coronavirus Recovery: Let's build a better tomorrow! [4]
Green Parties all over Europe are setting out their visions for a better
tomorrow. On this page, you’ll find a list of parties who have published
their vision and a link to their published plans.
Read more [4]
Europe Day - Let’s Act. Together! [5]
Europe Day has traditionally been an opportunity to look back at Europe’s
achievements in terms of peace and prosperity. This year it is impossible
to celebrate the fact that the European Union has been a war-free land for
almost 75 years in the same way as we have done before.
Read more [5]
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen hold their first Digital Party Council [6]
The delegates adopted a comprehensive resolution on the Corona crisis with
a strong focus on climate, social cohesion and European solidarity.
Read more [6]
Green politics in Corona crisis [7]
Miljøpartiet de Grønne, the Norwegian Greens, shared their view of the
current crisis and how to build a better society now and afterwards.
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German Greens resolution: "Containment, Recovery and Renewal" [8]
The resolution addresses both short-term measures to ensure people are safe
throughout the crisis, and in a second part focuses on long-term strategies
to build resilience towards future crises.
Read more [8]
Corona: Call for Convention on Europe Day [9]
European Green Seniors: "we are now senior citizens of the European Greens.
Our voice, our mind, our visions are still strong."
Read more [9]
For a fair and efficient asylum system in Europe [10]
Take a look at the Greens/EFA proposal for the future of the common
European asylum system.
Read more [10]
A Greens/EFA contribution to a future EU Recovery Fund [11]
A recovery fund based on grants would be a solidary answer to the current
crisis and prevent the euro zone from breaking apart due to highly unequal
national responses to the downturn.
Read more [11]
Europe Day - Europe is built on solidarity [12]
Greens from all over Europe share their thoughts on European solidarity on
Europe Day.
Read more [12]
12-13 Jun
31st Council Meeting
We are delighted to welcome you to the 31st European Green Party Council,
from 12 - 13 June 2020, which will take place online for the first time
ever! READ MORE [3]
15-19 Jun
Moving ever closer together in times of crisis: unlocking a progressive
agenda for the next decade
14 May
20.00 CEST
Europe Calling “Lobby attack on climate protection – How lobbyism
exploits the corona crisis”
Mayor of Prague under threat: these grave attacks on democracy must stop
11 May 2020
Western Balkans Summit: Act where your values are
7 May 2020
More press releases [15]
Green Post-Corona Talks [16]
Workers don't need applause, just a good life [17]
Change Europe
Donate Green
Even a small donation will help
in our campaigns!
Donate now [18]
European Greens © 2020
Funded by the European Parliament. Sole liability remains with the author.
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