This feels like a dire moment for humanity. But when the worst happens, like a return of President Trump, our community fights back! This is the moment to action our most important plan yet:
Stop Trump before he turns the U.S. government into his personal weapon of revenge.
We know from last time Trump was president that he's going to attack his enemies and help corporate friends using the machinery of the whole U.S. government. But our community is expert in using committed, smart government bureaucrats to hold powerful forces to account.
We've proven we can stand up and win against global powerhouses like Meta and Apple. If we act now to ring-fence Trump, activating every agency and every law from the forest service to the Securities Exchange Commission, we can make sure our resistance movement is there to block Trump at every attempt to turn the U.S. government into a weapon.
This feels like a scary moment. But we can stop Trump before he even begins -- will you chip in to the people-powered resistance?
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When a powerful corporation bypassed the permit process to steal water from desperate residents in California, our movement activated a heroic set of government employees at the forest service to block them from pumping water ever again!
When Apple was ignoring a federal law to clean slave labor from their supply chain, our movement activated progressive bureaucrats at the securities exchange commission to force the company to investigate their suppliers properly and report on the results!
We're going to need to mount exactly this kind of resistance at a much larger scale with Trump at the helm, but we can and we must.
There is no time to lose. The federal government employs almost 3 million people, he can't replace them all fast enough and heroes are standing by hoping for people to help them resist Trump.
All of us together can stop Trump before he even begins -- can you chip in?
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