Dear John,
We are in the midst of dealing with one of the worst pandemics in the last 100 years. Over 30 million people are currently out of work, and our nation has the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression.
America is at a tipping point, and guess what Speaker Nancy Pelosi is spending her time on?
Speaker Pelosi is trying to sneak AMNESTY and Stimulus Checks for ILLEGAL Immigrants into a bill that was originally intended to provide economic relief for struggling Americans. The vote is expected tomorrow.
Billions of dollars will be paid to Illegal immigrants while Americans are struggling, some hungry and million jobless.
It gets worse too, they aren't just trying to give illegal immigrants money in the future, they want to pay them retroactively for the $1,200 provided in the previous bill!
ACT For America is working hard on your behalf to stop this insanity. We need your voice sent loud and clear to your elected officials ASAP. We cannot allow this bill to pass, and we cannot allow Speaker Pelosi to get away with her dirty tricks -- American tax dollars must never be given away to illegal immigrants!
Click below to contact your local Member of Congress and urge them to vote NO on The Heroes Act.

Share this email with everyone on your list and urge them to take action. We need everyone involved and engaged.
Support ACT For America's hard work to keep our nation safe and secure. We represent your voice in Washington, DC. Your financial support is needed now more than ever. We are fighting lobbying firms funded with millions of
dollars. But with your support, we will win this fight and stop Speaker Pelosi and the left from destroying our country. Thank you in advance for making our work possible. Together we make a difference.