From Clarion Project <[email protected]>
Subject Who is the designated survivor?
Date August 15, 2019 5:47 PM
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How much do your representatives know about kids being radicalized? 

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Dear Friend,

How much do your representatives know about kids being radicalized? What if they were named the designated survivor -- could they educate the world about extremism?

How are we making sure they understand the threat of extremism in your town?

We went to Washington and London to educate our elected officials, and it turns out that while the president is definitely on board, there are many that are not taking extremism seriously.

YOU can help us change that. ([link removed])

Our film Kids: Chasing Paradise was created to educate the West – from concerned individuals to government officials -- about the threat of radicalization of children by jihadi and other extremist groups.

Click here to help us get our film Kids: Chasing Paradise shown to your representative. ([link removed])

This is a non-partisan issue! Nobody can defend people who radicalize children.
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These are our representatives, and in order for us to stay true to our mission, we need to educate all political parties about jihadi extremism

YOU can help educate our influencers by getting this film to as many members of government as possible by clicking here. ([link removed])

If our elected officials won't take this issue seriously, who will? It's up to YOU ([link removed]) to help us educate them to understand the growing problem of child radicalization.

This child abuse must stop! Help us distribute this film and educate our influencers. ([link removed])


Richard Green
Executive Director, Clarion Project

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