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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Thursday 14 May


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


NSS challenges charity status of Northern Irish group Core Issues Trust over promotion of 'conversion therapy'

The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland has been called on to reassess the charitable status of the Christian organisation, Core Issues Trust, following multiple complaints that the group promotes 'conversion therapy' for LGBT+ people.

GCN (Gay Community News)


Anti-LGBT+ Christian group accused of ‘actively promoting gay conversion therapy’ while masquerading as a charity

A Christian non-profit has been accused of promoting gay conversion therapy by campaigners, who are calling for its charitable status to be reevaluated.

Pink News


Islamic authorities say child sexual abuse in Muslim communities is 'underreported' because young victims are too scared to tell anyone about it

Britain's biggest Islamic authorities believe that child sexual abuse within the Muslim community is 'underreported' because it is a 'taboo subject'.

Mail Online


When can churches and religious buildings reopen?

Housing secretary Robert Jenrick has announced the government is working on plans for reopening places of worship across the country.



‘Who does the Muslim Council of Britain speak for?’

This illiberal organisation is determined to chill critical discussion of Islam.

Spiked Online


‘Labour is stirring up Sikh identity politics’

While Labour MPs may claim to speak for the Sikh community, they need to wise up to the fact that not all Sikhs speak with one voice.

The Spectator


France passes bill forcing web giants to delete hate speech

Social networks and other online content providers will have to remove paedophile and terrorism-related content from their platforms within the hour or face a fine of up to four percent of their global revenue under a French law voted in on Wednesday.

France 24


Costa Rica lawmakers criticise efforts to delay gay marriage

Lawmakers and government officials in Costa Rica on Wednesday chided fellow politicians trying to delay a landmark gay marriage ruling from taking effect, an effort which ended in a punch-up between members of a leading political party.



Latest from the NSS


Review status of charity promoting ‘conversion therapy’, NSS says

The NSS has urged NI's charity regulator to review the status of an organisation which promotes "change oriented therapy" for gay people.


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