Before we get into it, in case
anyone you know needs a reminder: It's America or Trump.

Now that that’s settled, let’s talk
about surviving Election Day.
First of all: a huge THANK YOU to every single person
who helped The Lincoln Project keep this swashbuckling pirate ship
afloat. We literally couldn’t have done it without
As for today? Yes, today can be
stressful. We understand that this is our democracy on the line
tonight. We understand that this is a convicted felon we’re talking
about. That’s why we just want to remind you of a couple things so you
don’t freak out when Trump inevitably does Trump things.
No matter what, Trump will likely declare victory again.
Remember when he just came
out and said he won last time? Yeah, he could very easily do that
again. In fact, it sounds like he’s going to. He’s already demanding a
winner be declared tonight, and the belief around his campaign is that
he’s just going to say he won at some point this evening. Remember,
this is just to cast doubt on a fair election. It’s a crackpot scheme
cooked up by Rudy Giuliani, the guy currently couch surfing at
He’s already crying fraud again. Yes, because it’s impossible for the guy who
has never won a popular vote to lose to a far more qualified person,
Trump is already crying fraud. Now, he’s probably more organized than
he was last time, but it’s still not going to work.
Watch out for the violent rhetoric.
Can he incite another
insurrection? Wouldn’t put it past him. In the past few days he’s
called for shooting Liz Cheney and journalists. Come on, he called for
his former colleague to be shot by a firing squad. Just remember that
we’re dealing with a sociopath here. Get ready for the wildest 76 days
starting tomorrow. We’re ready – and we’re going to make sure those in
charge of safeguarding our election results are too.
Oh, and don’t forget: we’ve got this.
The most important thing is
to run through the tape now. There are more of us than them. Trump has
run the worst campaign in recent memory and is coming off the worst
final week of all time. Kamala Harris on the other hand has run a
nearly flawless campaign. And then there’s us, who for the last four
years have been informing voters about the dangers of Donald Trump.
We’ve paid our dues, we have a great candidate, and we believe America
is with us. So just remember, everybody would rather be in our camp
than their camp tonight. Including, if you believe the leaks, most of
Now let’s go win this thing. If you
haven’t already, GO VOTE.
-The Lincoln Project