From 1776 Project PAC <>
Subject Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro… {100X IMPACT}
Date November 5, 2024 5:01 PM
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Their words PROVED our FINAL election day plan!

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The 1776 Project PAC is going where NO Conservative organization has EVER gone

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What Soros realized is that… The value for money in local races is extremely

Friend, this is the basis for our ENTIRE PLAN! We invest grassroots resources
into local school board elections to take back our schools and SAVE OUR COUNTRY!

So when Tucker had us on his show, he said THIS:

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“So you’re basically counterbalancing what George Soros has been doing for
years influencing local elections… Someone’s finally doing it back… Thank

“Maybe you should stop and consider writing a check!”
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Then, Ben Shapiro heard about our plan and he said THIS:

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“Shout out to Ryan Girdusky who is doing an excellent job with the 1776
Project PAC which is designed to take back school boards on behalf of
conservatives. I am planning on giving some money to the 1776 Project. I think
a lot of other people should as well because, without an enormous amount of
resources, they are flipping school boards all over the country.”

Friend, Ben Shapiro highlighted just how SPOT-ON Tucker and Elon were! The
impact that YOU as a grassroots Conservative can have on local races is WAY
BIGGER than the impact you can have on national races – and we’ve proven it by
WINNING without billionaire megadonor backers.

But then, Glenn Beck made an appeal directly to you while LIVE on air. He
wants YOU to stand up and help us WIN and take back our schools!
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“I find it astonishing how deeply entrenched [left-wing indoctrination] is in
schools across the country. It’s the kryptonite to America. If we teach this to
our kids we are truly, truly done… I urge you to understand the poison that
[leftist indoctrination] is and PLEASE make a donation to the 1776 Project PAC”
-Glenn Beck

Friend, Elon, Tucker, Ben, and Glenn have made it perfectly clear. The key to
saving our country runs through the LOCAL GOVERNMENTS! And no one else is doing
more to make Conservatives WIN on the local level than the 1776 Project PAC.

Over the last 3 years, we’ve won over 230 school board races and freed more
than 4 million students from radical left wing indoctrination!

We’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the grassroots Conservative
dollar is 100X more impactful than the multi-million dollar cash infusions from
radical leftist billionaires like George Soros.

But we need your help in THE FINAL CRITICAL STRETCH before election day!
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Will you rush in a donation of $17.76 TODAY?
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RUSH $17.76
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Make a donation to the 1776 Project PAC today!
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Paid for by 1776 Project PAC
PO Box 2891 Springfield, VA 22152

Not Authorized by any candidate or campaign committee

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