It’s Election Day, and we‘re so proud to stand with our determined, compassionate, and brave pro-choice champions, who are ready to protect reproductive freedom at every level of government.
If you have not yet voted, use the We Decide Voter Guide to preview your ballot and review hundreds of endorsements. And if you encounter any issues while voting, contact the Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
We likely won’t know the results of today’s races immediately. Our election system has a series of rigorous checks to ensure that election results are verified and accurate. Every vote must be counted—and that takes time.
One thing is for sure: we would not be here without grassroots supporters like you, who have powered our work since March 2016.
Vote Pro-Choice is a full-cycle organization—our programs to build power for reproductive freedom run all year, every year. So whatever the results are, our team will still be here, working to elect the next class of pro-choice champions.
Happy Election Day! And thank you.
In gratitude,
Sara Tabatabaie
Executive Director
Vote Pro-Choice