We are very excited to have two thoughtful speakers for our public event—Jacobin’s Meagan Day and Micah Uetricht!

Seattle Democratic Socialists of America

Hello Comrades,

Millions of people were tremendously inspired by Bernie’s historic campaign. In addition, the economic calamity unleashed by COVID-19 highlights the urgency of continuing Bernie’s political revolution against the billionaire class. This has led over 3,000 people nationwide to join DSA in the last month, including 150 people in Seattle!

To build on this momentum, we want to continue to engage Bernie supporters in DSA’s work. Therefore, the Local Council of Seattle DSA is asking all members to please forward the letter below to 3-5 co-workers, family members, and friends right now. The email asks people to come to our public meeting on May 21 and join DSA. We are very excited to have two thoughtful speakers for our public event—Jacobin’s Meagan Day and Micah Uetricht, the authors of Bigger than Bernie: How We Go from the Sanders Campaign to Democratic Socialism!

After you forward the email below to 3-5 people, please follow it up with a text or phone call in the next few days. We’d love for this event to be our largest yet!

In Solidarity,
The Local Council of Seattle DSA

Please forward the letter below (or your own version) to people you know:


Hi friends,

Even though Bernie Sanders wasn’t able to win the Democratic nomination, his campaign showed that millions of people across the country are ready to fight for a society that works for all of us, not just the 1%. And now the economic calamity unleashed by COVID-19 highlights the urgency of continuing Bernie’s political revolution against the billionaire class.

We are very excited to have two thoughtful speakers for our public event—Jacobin’s Meagan Day and Micah Uetricht, the authors of Bigger than Bernie: How We Go from the Sanders Campaign to Democratic Socialism! We’ll discuss what we achieved through the Bernie campaign, what this moment means for our movement, and how we can move forward in the wake of Bernie dropping out.

Register here: https://bit.ly/bernie-panel

Bernie supporters need to stick together and build an organized movement to overcome the immense power of big business. We believe joining Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the surest way Bernie supporters can band together to continue fighting for Bernie’s vision.


DSA is the largest and fastest growing socialist organization in the United States, with 8,000 new members this year alone. We are a member-funded, member-run, and democratically accountable organization that fights for a political agenda that puts working people at the center. We believe that only a mass movement of the multiracial working class can take on the power of the 1%, and we use campaigns for bold demands like Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and ending mass incarceration to build that movement.

DSA has over 100 membership-endorsed candidates in office. DSA members and politicians associated with DSA — like Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez, the Squad, and Bernie Sanders himself — are shaping the national narrative on what a progressive agenda can and should look like. Together, our elected officials and grassroots activists are mobilizing millions of people to use this moment to fight for an economy and society that works for all.

Bernie recently recommended that his supporters join DSA to continue the political revolution.  Will you take Bernie’s advice, and join us?  Sign up for emails and become a DSA member here.  Now is our time!

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