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Kennedy Institute Newsletter  |  ELECTION DAY 2024
Election Day is finally here! While the nation awaits the results of this historic election - we hope you enjoy this special edition of the On The Point newsletter from the Kennedy Institute.

In recent weeks we've hosted multiple national conversations with hundreds of students connecting virtually from across the country on the role of the Electoral College in our democracy, we hosted Mike Madrid and Ray Suarez for a conversation on Latino voting trends, and we welcomed Frank Fahrenkopf Jr. to our bipartisan Board of Directors. We look forward to our post-election debrief as you will see below. 

As we reflect on Senator Kennedy's legacy this Election Day, may we remember his famous quote, "The right to vote is the fundamental political right in our constitutional system. It is the cornerstone of all our other basic rights."

Thank you for your support and partnership. 
Adam G. Hinds
Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate


Messaging Advice for Organizations During Election Season

Ed Tech Innovation Hub
Edward M Kennedy Institute hosts online national student debate on the Electoral College in the USA

‘We’re a Fortress Now’: The Militarization of US Elections Is Here


The Kennedy Institute recently announced the addition of Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr. to an expanding bipartisan board of directors which includes eight former U.S. Senators and two former U.S. Congressmen. Fahrenkoph currently serves as co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates. Read the full press release here.
Election 2024: The Electoral College
According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, 63% of Americans prefer that the winner of the presidential election win through the popular vote. To consider the ongoing division and controversy over the Electoral College system, the Kennedy Institute hosted a special civic education event for students, Election 2024: Electoral College. 

Last week, over 850 students from 9 states participated in this program virtually by role playing as senators and voted on a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College. The students were from CT, IL, KY, MA, ND, NH, NJ, OH, and VA and included grades 5-12. Here’s a few of their comments as they debated the issue:

“The Electoral College is making the power of the people less effective. Presidents are winning power without the support of the people.”

“We should keep the Electoral College because it is protecting the small states from big states making all the decisions in the elections, and changing a historic process could create discord in the government.”

“I’m pro removing the Electoral College. I feel like the electoral college is unfair and the popular vote is better, because with the popular vote, it brings us back to a democracy. The electoral college does not represent that as well. In a popular vote, it focuses more on the people than on the states.”

How did they vote? The students were divided into two groups - the first session voted Yes: 54% No: 46% - an outcome that did not pass the 2/3 threshold for a resolution on a constitutional amendment. The second session passed the resolution with 80%. 

Over 140,000 students from 43 states have participated in EMKI’s award-winning civics education programs which cover this and a variety of other topics. 
The Senate in 2025:
Post-Election Analysis from Senators Blunt & Heitkamp
Tuesday, December 3rd - 6:00pm ET

What’s ahead for the Senate in 2025? Join us for an engaging discussion with former Senators Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) on the challenges facing the Senate after the election. Moderated by Sirius XM’s Steve Scully, this event will explore the evolving political landscape and major legislative hurdles facing the 119th Congress - from new Republican leadership, the future of the filibuster, and impending confirmation battles. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from two influential voices as they share their perspectives on what’s ahead for the Senate in 2025.

Register to Attend

Mike Madrid and Ray Suarez on Latino voting trends
Watch Mike Madrid, author, political consultant and expert on Latino voting trends, and Ray Suarez, acclaimed author and journalist, discuss how the Latino community is reshaping American politics and democracy. The full conversation is on our YouTube channel. Thank you to our co-sponsors Conexión and the Massachusetts Business Roundtable for partnering on this timely event!
Watch the full conversation


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Your membership supports our mission to inspire all Americans to participate in the civic life of our communities and our country, and to educate K-12 students and people of all ages about the unique role of the Senate in our democracy.

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