Happy Election Day! PCCC co-founder Adam Green here. After knocking doors for Kamala in Michigan, and helping key Senate and House races, I wanted to share some closing thoughts.
First, this election will be a tie until the voting booths close, so there’s really no point in checking FiveThirtyEight anxiously or seeing if Rachel Maddow has some late-breaking update. She won’t. Consuming less news is probably best for sanity.
Second, I hear over and over again from people who are genuinely persuading on-the-fence voters – or motivating infrequent voters to vote! I persuaded a bunch of folks recently while knocking doors and it felt great. So, know that signing up here for a call shift to swing-state voters (or knocking doors locally) can be inspiring. Thousands of people are doing it, and you’ll have no regrets if you do. Here’s that link again. Click it. You’ll feel good.
Third, my mom constantly asks me for 1 link where she can donate to all the candidates that are strategic. Mom, here it is. And I’m sharing it with John too. Campaigns spend into debt in the final days, knowing/hoping that good people will donate until the end. The link has Harris, 6 top Senate candidates, and 31 top House candidates (endangered incumbents and red-to-blue challengers). $100 gets about $3 to each campaign, allowing them to make final investments in targeted ads and Get Out The Vote operations.
If you want to help win state legislatures, keep school boards out of the hands of book banners, and win a few other strategically important local races against MAGA extremists, here is a link to 40 key state and local races. $80 gets $2 to each of them.
Fourth, if you either live in a blue state or are considering not voting for Kamala in a swing state, please read this. There’s a thing called Swap Your Vote that allows voters in swing states who are hesitant to vote for Kamala Harris to exchange their vote for her with a voter in a safe blue state who agrees to vote for someone else. Right now, Swap Your Vote is arranging for 2 blue state voters to exchange their votes for third party candidates in exchange for one swing state vote for Kamala. Jamie Raskin has supported this idea. If it’s intriguing to you, here’s the link.
Finally, I believe in humanity. Maybe I’m hopelessly hopeful, but I cannot believe that Americans would choose to welcome fascism, destroy the Constitution, and make their own lives and their neighbor’s lives miserable. We’ll find out.
This is our 16th year of the PCCC being in existence. You are a part of it. Thank you for being a bold progressive.
-- Adam Green, PCCC co-founder