Israel has launched an extermination campaign on the 400,000 Palestinians sheltering in northern Gaza. Unarmed civilians are being burned, blown up, massacred.
Our mighty community is fighting to end all this death and horror, one-by-one knocking down the banks bankrolling this genocide. Now we’re going after the next one…
French bank BNP Paribas is one of the biggest investors in weapons companies selling to Israel. Its stake in apartheid and genocide could be as high as 34 billion dollars – that’s why we urgently need your help.
If everyone chips in, our campaigners can spring into action by, for example: hiring researchers and legal experts to comb through reams of financial documents, buying shares to access shareholder meetings and put the CEO on the spot, and more!
Israel can’t keep its war machine going without weapons. THIS is how we can help end the genocide. Can you chip in?
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Even as you read this, Israel is bombarding families in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza – blowing up homes, storming schools and shelters, besieging hospitals. Many, many have died.
BNP is helping fund cruelty and inhumanity on a scale we can barely imagine. But the funding is also opaque, which is why the bank hasn’t yet come under significant pressure. That’s where we come in.
If enough of us chip in, our team could:
- Hire a team of top human rights lawyers to draft an opinion exposing how BNP’s involvement with these weapons companies violates international law;
- Buy shares in BNP to access shareholder meetings, putting the CEO on the spot with difficult questions and teaming up with other concerned investors for insider pressure;
- Commission deep-dive financial research mapping BNP’s stake in each of 51 genocide-linked companies, letting us see the biggest investments and find the fastest route to impact.
…and more!
It’s simple: halting the genocidal machine means turning off the cash flow arming and empowering it.
Every second we wait is too long. John, can you chip in to make it happen?
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We’ve been here before, with finance giant AXA. Everyone told us they’d never budge, then we released a report laying bare their role in Israel’s war – and it cut all ties to genocide-linked Israeli banks. So let's do it again – and keep going until every single bank cuts ties with Israel’s war machine. Are you in?