Hi John,
Today is the day! As an organization dedicated to empowering Democratic women and non-binary individuals to lead, we know the impact that each and every vote can have on shaping our state’s future. Now, it’s up to all of us to get out there and make our voices heard.
Here’s everything you need to know to cast your ballot today:
Polling Location:
You can find your polling location and see a sample ballot tailored for you by clicking here or the button down below:
Polling Hours: Polls are open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Any voter in line at 7:00 PM will be allowed to vote.
What to Bring:
No ID is needed for voting UNLESS you registered to vote for the first time by mail and did not provide a copy of a current and valid photo ID along with a current utility bill or bank statement, you will need to show some form of ID at the polls. Acceptable forms of ID include: -
An original or copy of a current and valid photo ID with or without an address (the address doesn't need to match the address on your registration)
- Original or copy of a utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, student ID card or other government document, including ID issued by an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo that shows your name and address (the address doesn't need to match the address on your registration)
Verbal or written statement by you (the voter) with your name, year of birth and registered address
Why Today Matters: Every vote counts, especially in critical races that impact our communities, our rights, and our futures. Whether it’s local leadership, the state legislature, or federal representation, today’s results will shape the path forward for both New Mexico and our entire country. Our mission is to support powerful Democratic women and non-binary leaders who fight for a more inclusive and equitable future. By voting today, you’re not just casting a ballot—you’re joining a movement for lasting change.
Thank you for standing with us and making your voice heard!
— Emerge NM