Green Party of New York State

Friend --

It's Election Day!

Cast your ballot for Jill Stein and the Green Party! Vote against genocide and duopoly party power.

Jill Stein is a write-in candidate for President here in New York. If we get 130,000 write-in votes, the Green Party gets back its ballot line - and we send a message to the corporate duopoly!

Wondering how to write-in Jill? It’s easy. Let Professor Green show you how, and share with your friends and family. 

If you’d prefer a written version: Bubble in the oval in the write-in category under the Presidential candidate column. Then write in: Jill Stein. Here's a visual, too:

That’s it! 

Go Green!

Green Party of New York

Green Party of New York

Green Party of New York State · United States
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