Dear community,
The early projections of the poverty impact of COVID-19 pandemic have come out, and they are worrying: the crisis might push up to 66 million children into extreme poverty. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Social protection has an enormous role to play in helping families cope with and recover from this shock, as we've seen in the past. Yet, even before the crisis, more than two-thirds of children globally were not covered by social protection. As an immediate response, countries need to scale up cash transfer and other responses and strengthen systems in the medium and long term to build back better. We hope the resources highlighted here can help decision-makers and researchers to better understand the challenges we're facing and take bold actions to support children and their families in poverty.
Until next time!
COVID-19 pandemic is causing a socio-economic crisis of unprecedented scale. How is the crisis unfolding in the African continent and how is it impacting the poorest children and their families?
Bringing the lived experiences of children in Africa, this webinar, hosted by the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty, will highlight how these experiences can inform policy responses and propose actions to mitigate the impacts of this disaster on children living in poverty.
The webinar will be livestreamed on our Twitter channel @globalcoalition!
Call to Action: Putting children at the centre of Africa’s prevention and response strategies to COVID-19
African Child Policy Forum urgently calls upon all stakeholders to take decisive and coordinated measures to ensure that children and families are protected from the immediate and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. → Read the call to action
Coronavirus Crisis Highlights Need for Child Benefits Globally
by Yolande Wright, Global Director for Poverty Reduction, Climate Resilience, Gender Equality and Inclusion at Save the Children International
With the coronavirus crisis putting children's rights at risk, there has never been a greater need globally for us all to get behind Child Benefits. → Find out why
Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on children
All children, of all ages, and in all countries, are being affected, in particular by the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and, in some cases, by mitigation measures that may inadvertently do more harm than good. This policy brief by the UN provides a deeper analysis of these effects. It identifies also a series of immediate and sustained actions for the attention of governments and policymakers.
→ Read the brief
The impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on global poverty: Why Sub-Saharan Africa might be the region hardest hit
Using household survey data (available on PovCal net) and growth projections for 166 countries from the recently launched World Economic Outlook, World Bank researchers estimate that COVID-19 is pushing about 40-60 million people into extreme poverty, with the best estimate being 49 million.
→ Read the analysis
Multidimensional Poverty and COVID-19 Risk Factors: A Rapid Overview of Interlinked Deprivations across 5.7 Billion People
Among the ten Multidimensional Poverty Index indicators, a lack of access to clean drinking water, undernutrition, and no clean cooking fuel put people at high risk to COVID-19. This briefing by OPHI presents the joint distribution of these three COVID-19 risk factors. 3.6 billion people, or 62.6% of the 5.7 billion people living in the 101 countries of developing regions covered are affected by at least one COVID-19-related deprivation. They are ‘at risk’. 472 million people are deprived in all three COVID-19 risk factors at the same time. They are at ‘high risk’.
→ Read the analysis
Research brief
Living Under Lockdown: Girls and COVID-19
by Plan International
This report reviews four previous studies of crises to understand insecurity and vulnerability facing girls now, and outlines potential solutions and ways to protect them, based on learnings from the Ebola and other health emergencies. → Read here.
Also check the other publications from Plan international: Covid-19: the Impact on Girls; Covid-19: Going Hungry
Research brief
Who is most vulnerable to catching Covid-19 and where do they live?
by Bristol Poverty Institute
This paper outlines how vulnerability to Covid-19 infections for children and their families can be measured in Low and Middle-Income Countries and the policy implications. Available here.
Research brief
From pandemics to poverty: hotspots of vulnerability in times of crisis
by ODI
This brief outlines countries, sub-national areas and populations in or near poverty that need to be explicitly prioritised in the response to coronavirus. → Read the paper
Policy brief
Combatting COVID-19’s effect on children
The COVID-19 pandemic is harming the health, social and material well-being of children worldwide, with the poorest children hit hardest. This brief discusses immediate measures countries need to take to help children cope with the effect of the crisis.
Policy analysis
Social Protection and Jobs responses to COVID-19
by World Bank and UNICEF
As of May 8, a total of 171 countries have introduced or adapted social protection programs in response to COVID-19. This includes child-sensitive schemes such as child grants and benefits, child care programmes among others.
Programme Guidance
Gender-responsive social protection during COVID-19
Gender-responsive social protection response is fundamental in supporting children, women and the most marginalised hit by the COVID-19 crisis. This technical note is intended to provide a simple checklist for policy-makers, partners and UNICEF staff as they engage in the design and implementation of COVID-19 related social protection interventions.
The urge for universal lifecycle cash transfers as a response to COVID-19
by Louise Moreira Daniels, UNICEF
COVID-19 poses a real threat to families, but a solution is possible. A package of universal benefits to children, older people and people with disabilities as part of a large-scale rescue package would bring significant benefits: provide a major stimulus to the economy, protect human and child rights, among others. → Read the blog
The changing face of COVID-19: a live tracker of its impact on children
by Oliver Fiala, Save the Children
New research and estimates on the potential socio-economic impact of COVID-19 are released daily and it can be challenging to stay on top of the most relevant insights. This piece summarises the pandemic’s most severe consequences on children living in low- and middle-income countries. → Read the blog
What are the potential effects of the coronavirus on children?
by Julia Karpati, Chris de Neubourg, Erëblina Elezaj, Social Policy Research Institute.
The Covid-19 pandemic is projected to have acute and lasting effects at the economic, societal, community and household levels, on a global scale. Wide body of research in the field of child well-being, rights-fulfilment, and multidimensional child poverty and deprivations, suggests there are both severe vulnerabilities children are or may be facing, as well as major gaps in research on this topic. → Read the blog
People in poverty bear the brunt of Covid-19, and the worst is yet to come
by Keetie Roelen, IDS
Across the world, social safety nets are being expanded to support people hit by COVID-19 impacts. Let us seize this moment as an opportunity to scale up investment in social protection systems that offers support to everyone in need for as long as they need it. → Read the blog
Parenting in Poverty Under Lockdown
by Thomas Croft and Diana Skelton, ATD Fourth World
As we agonise over this pandemic, many of us hope that when the threat is past we can move toward a compassionate society where no one is left behind. And yet, people in poverty are, once again, falling through the cracks. → Read the blog
Also check out the op-ed "COVID-19 Shines a Light on Multidimensional Poverty" by Maryann Broxton, ATD Fourth World USA.
Call to action: Share your actions to protect children during COVID!
Are you a child or youth-led organization working to support families affected by the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, with a particular focus on the poorest and most marginalized? UN Major Group for Children and Youth launched a new global platform to give visibility to youth initiatives responding to the pandemic, and connect with peers and supporters. → Join today!
Have ideas on what to include in future Child Poverty newsletter?
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The Global Coalition to End Child Poverty is a global initiative to raise awareness about children living in poverty across the world and support global and national action to alleviate it as outlined by SDG Goal 1: No Poverty. Our members work together as part of the Coalition, as well as individually, to achieve a world where all children grow up free from poverty, deprivation and exclusion.