Hoosier Republican,
You are an important part of our Indiana Republican Party. Even while hunkering down at home, so many of you have made a big difference in making sure Indiana continues to elect strong Republicans in 2020. 

This weekend, we've got another great way for you to support President Trump, Governor Holcomb and our entire Republican team up and down the ballot. And it doesn't even require you to leave your house! 

We're holding our next Super Saturday this this Saturday, May 16 -- and we'll be making calls to our fellow Hoosiers all day. Are you in? 

Sign up, and a member of our team will reach out to you to sign up you for a shift (or two). They'll walk you through our easy-to-use technology for the phone bank, and everything you need to know.

Your help during this time will be the difference-maker this year! Let's continue to put in the work now, so we can make sure we re-elect President Trump and Governor Holcomb, and elect more Republicans across the state in November!

-Your Indiana Republican Party 
Sign Up: GOP Virtual Phone Bank
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Indianapolis, IN 46204

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