Can you blame us for making one
last zinger before the big day?
Picturing that orange face getting
darker with rage, running up the Mar-a-Lago ketchup bill, and of
course keeping him awake at night on his crap social media app are
just a few of our favorite hobbies. We really love making Trump
But just remember. Making Trump
angry isn’t just for fun. When he blows up, he loses votes. Look at
the past week. Our data is showing that independent voters,
particularly college-educated white women, think Nazi rallies, firing
squads for political opponents, and shooting the press are
When Trump gets mad, he turns off voters. That’s why we
make Trump mad.
We’ve done it a lot this cycle. And
instead of waiting ‘til tomorrow to see him humiliated, we figured
we’d go for a sneak preview.

We’re not exaggerating when we say
that this past week has been the worst week for a presidential
campaign of all time. The meandering rants, the threatening to kill
Liz Cheney, the threatening to kill the press, the MSG cult gathering…
these things are costing him votes.
Our goal for today is to grab one
more Trump meltdown. One that causes him to do something stupid. We’d
tell you it’s hard, but it’s really not. All we have to do is make
sure he sees this video. So
please, help us spread the message so it reaches the phone held by
Trump’s tiny hands >>
-The Lincoln Project