Teachers make huge shift with grace, diligence

Since schools closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and instruction moved online, teachers are at home spending their days trying their best to help their students — across a range of conditions simply unimaginable before the pandemic.

Read about these dedicated teacher heroes

Find our new COVID-19 Special Education Toolkit here


Tech support powers online classrooms behind scenes

Tech staff are the essential employees who are turning digital classrooms from a pipedream into a working educational system since California schools physically closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn who's behind the scenes.

Read about these information technology heroes

Food service workers whip up millions of Grab & Go meals

Custodians on the frontlines of COVID-19 pandemic

How one paraeducator is using her STEAM lab skills to make face shields


College faculty rise to the challenge of distance learning

Faculty say they miss contact with her students, but they are overcoming extraordinary obstacles to deliver education online. Extra hours, perseverance, and union support assist in this unprecedented transition.

Read these remarkable stories of faculty teaching from home

Undocumented students are more vulnerable than ever — how you can make a difference


Yes, now is the time for contingent faculty to organize

Long before the virus, uncertainty was a given for contingent faculty. Many have little sense of the next teaching gig, and can barely sign a lease, let alone get a mortgage on a house. Yet, averaged across all higher ed institutions, contingents are responsible for teaching the majority of college courses.

Read this powerful essay by UC-AFT members

Join the UC-AFT Virtual Picket – #nolayoffs


Retirees go digital during pandemic

“Social distancing” is a hallmark of the coronavirus pandemic and online meetings using Zoom have expanded exponentially, even among seniors whose eyes once glazed over when the talk turned to tech. It’s part of the new normal.

Retiree heroes move online to meet and organize

Being retired in the time of COVID-19

Tips for seniors during the pandemic


The task of reopening brings challenge and hope

By Jeffery M. Freitas, CFT President

Working from home to deliver education to our students while simultaneously caring for families is a challenge teachers and staff have never experienced before. But I know that you are committed to our students and to our union, and that commitment is deeply inspiring and a cause for hope.

Read about the CFT commitment to safety going forward

The big hole in the state budget and what it means

The governor and the Legislature know the COVID-19 pandemic has blown a huge hole in the state budget, but they can’t easily project state revenues or the impact on Proposition 98 — the mechanism that gives K-12 schools and community colleges about 40 percent of the state’s General Fund.

CFT and our allies will be there fighting for public education!


Students & Communities First qualifies for the November ballot — and CFT members collected a whopping 20,000 signatures!

State Council passed a half dozen policy resolutions, several related to the pandemic. Others addressed higher education issues and special education. Read them here.

CFT Raoul Teilhet Scholarships: Application is now open for high school seniors who are children or dependents of members. Because of the pandemic, the application deadline has been extended to July 31. Meet the recipients of our continuing college student scholarships.

Our COVID-19 Resources on the CFT website cover everything from unemployment to finding online culture at home. Here are some highlights.

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CFT, A Union of Educators and Classified Professionals
Jeffery M. Freitas, President
Luukia Smith, Secretary-Treasurer
L. Lacy Barnes, Senior Vice President

Please send comments and letters to the editor.
CFT United, April-May 2020 | Volume 73, Number 4
The union's magazine CFT United was formerly known as California Teacher


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