Friend, Results are going to start coming in from the election in less than 48 hours. And there’s still time to make a difference in one of the most consequential elections of our lifetimes! There’s still a lot of work left to do to ensure our victory this election and margins are so razor thin that every last vote matters when it comes to electing Kamala Harris as our next president or seeing Donald Trump reclaim the White House. Whether you sign up to text or call voters, help get people to the polls, or attend a last-minute Get Out the Vote event, we need you!! Even if you have never volunteered before, progressive campaigns would love to put you to work! Protecting our democracy takes all of us. Register to help a campaign before it’s too late!>> If you can’t volunteer to help today or tomorrow, please check in with five people you know to make sure they have voted or have a plan to vote on Election Day – and encourage them to do the same! Thank you for all your work this election cycle—we are going to win, together. --Charlie Everett, People For the American Way