The story of Medicaid expansion is the story of the people whose lives it would save and transform. That's why Alabama Arise is excited to tell those stories in our new Cover Alabama Conversations interview series.
In the coming months, we'll talk to experts, business and faith leaders, and uninsured people in our state's health coverage gap about why Medicaid expansion is the right choice for Alabama from economic, health and moral standpoints. We'll share these interviews on our website, as well as our Facebook and Twitter accounts.
On our debut episode, I speak with Alabama Arise policy director Jim Carnes about how Medicaid expansion would help our state fight the COVID-19 pandemic and rebuild in its aftermath. Click the image below for the full interview and a transcript, and let us know what you think!
As Jim explains, expanding Medicaid would save lives and provide financial peace of mind for hundreds of thousands of Alabamians. It would protect rural health care access and create thousands of good-paying jobs throughout Alabama. It's an investment in a stronger, healthier future for all of us.
You can help us build momentum for that future by telling your own story, whether in an audio interview or another form. If you're uninsured or struggling to pay for health coverage, please click here to share your story with Arise and the Cover Alabama Coalition. I'll follow up with you by email or phone about next steps.

Alabama Arise
P.O. Box 1188  | Montgomery, Alabama 36101
(334) 832-9060 | [email protected]

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