If you haven't heard about this yet, you need to, friend.
Earlier this week, my opponent, Rick Scott, was at one of Donald Trump's campaign events. That's no surprise. He's everywhere Donald Trump goes. He infamously skipped an important Senate vote to be Trump's lapdog in the courtroom for one of Trump's criminal trials. Pathetic.
Anyway, Donald Trump gave Rick Scott a very ... interesting shoutout:

It's interesting how often Trump resorts to calling other people liars — when he himself is perhaps the most notorious serial liar in modern American history. It's no wonder he and Rick Scott get along so well. Scott has lied time and again about his record of writing the plan to end Medicare and Social Security, about supporting a national abortion ban, and even about his Medicare fraud.
Lies, lies, and more lies from the snake that is Rick Scott and his buddy, the twice-impeached, disgraced liar of a former president, Donald Trump.
The TRUTH of the matter is that Donald Trump and Rick Scott are scared of my new ad. They are scared because they know I'm statistically tied with Scott in the polls as Floridians are beginning to cast their ballots. They are scared we will pull off a massive political upset by flipping Florida blue. Well, friend, they are right to be scared.
We can win this race and protect Democratic Senate control in the process, but it simply is not possible if I don't hit my $10 million pre-election fundraising goal to fight Rick Scott's attack ads and reach every Florida voter.
So please, rush a donation of $5 or whatever you can to help me hit my last fundraising goal before Election Day, defeat Rick Scott, and protect our Democratic Senate majority!
Thank you,