Call your Senators to Oppose Gun Control
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Senators Need to Get Phone Calls Opposing Gun Control!
Call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask them to transfer you to your two Senators offices. Urge them to oppose every bit of gun control -- including red flag gun grabs.
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GOA Activists Flood the Senate with 1.5 Million Messages; Limbaugh Highlights GOA on Fox News
Dear John,
I've never really seen anything like this.
I would not be surprised if George Soros money is paying people to make phone calls. It would make sense after hearing what Senate offices are telling me.
Last week's Fox News debate delivered a stiff warning to GOP lawmakers: Do NOT compromise on gun control! Click on the image to watch the YouTube debate.
They are saying that their offices are receiving hundreds and hundreds of phone calls ... but from people calling for gun control!
That’s why I’m writing you today.
The pro-gun offices in the U.S. Senate are telling me that we need gun owners to call their legislators by the hundreds.
We need you -- the Patriots of America -- to demand from your Senators that they OPPOSE red flag gun grabs ... OPPOSE bans on private sales (aka, Universal Background Checks) ... and OPPOSE bans on commonly-owned firearms like the AR-15.
Please call your two U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121.
John, I know that GOA has asked you to do a lot over this last week. And our grassroots have been amazing, as they’ve deluged Senate Republican offices with over 1.5 million email messages.
Over 1.5 MILLION letters have been delivered to the Senate! That is fantastic!
But while that’s impressive, pro-gun Senate offices are encouraging us to pick up the phone and make calls.
Why? Because there is an important, noticeable “effect” that takes place when the phone receptionists -- who are being deluged with phone calls -- have to report to their boss that gun owners are ringing the phones off the hook.
Seeing that “haggard” look on the receptionist’s face gets noticed by the decision makers in the offices.
The most likely gun control to move in the Senate is Red Flag gun grab legislation.
Senate leaders are trying to claim this legislation will protect Due Process, but as our Legislative Counsel argues, this is nothing but a lie [[link removed]].
So please call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask them to transfer you to your two Senators offices.
Tell your Senators to:
1) Oppose EVERY word of gun control, especially Red Flag gun grabs; and to,
2) Support concealed carry reciprocity (H.R. 38 / S. 69) -- which is legislation that will truly save lives!
Rush Limbaugh Airs Snippet of GOA’s Fox News Debate, Challenges GOP to Reject Gun Control
Gun Owners of America has been busy over the past week.
In the first week alone -- since the two shootings occurred -- GOA representatives appeared on hundreds of interviews and news segments nationwide — sending a clear, no compromise message for the right to keep and bear arms
Rush Limbaugh discussed GOA's Fox News debate. Click on the image to view Rush's segment.
While you can read [[link removed]] many of the print articles on our website, here are the highlights of our media appearances:
1) Fox News. On Friday, I appeared on Fox News’ Ingraham Angle [[link removed]] to shoot down gun several gun control arguments.
But I also warned Republican politicians of the “read my lips” electoral disaster that awaits them for breaking their promises and voting for gun control.
2) Rush Limbaugh Show. On Monday, Rush Limbaugh aired my appearance on Fox News and used it to point out the folly of gun control. You can view what Rush said about my debate here [[link removed]].
3) USA Today. GOA was asked to pen the “ Opposing View [[link removed]]” in USA Today, in response to attacks on the Second Amendment following the El Paso and Dayton shootings. This article demonstrates how firearms are used overwhelmingly for good -- a message that resonated with readers of USA Today, with almost 80% agreeing with the GOA position.
4) Daily Caller. This article shows how killers are overwhelmingly targeting Gun-Free Zones [[link removed]] when choosing a location to perpetrate mass tragedies. It also points out how the mainstream media is completely ignoring the danger that these defense-free areas pose for law-abiding Americans.
5) Rallying the base on Social Media. Finally, you can watch two GOA appearances on Guns & Gadgets [[link removed]] and the Military Arms Channel [[link removed]] -- where we discuss the latest issues in the gun rights community.
I want to thank you for helping keep GOA on the front lines. We can’t do this without you!
Thank you for taking action.
In Liberty,
Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Follow me on Twitter: @erichmpratt [[link removed]]
P.S. Please make sure to call your Senators at 202-224-3121 and urge them to OPPOSE all gun control. And if you’ve let your membership lapse, make sure to renew your membership in Gun Owners of America today [[link removed]] for only $20!
P.P.S. You can read this alert on the web here [[link removed]].
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