Jack -- Missouri Green Party Members are Cordially Invited to the Black and Green Webinar Series:Degrowing the Military While Preserving Jobs Wednesday Nov 13, 20245:30 pm PT, 6:30 MT, 7:30 CT, 8:30 ET The webinar is NO COST, but you need to register to attend. Click on the link below:https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvdOuopzotG9GILKRDALSvYt0B-6QrGgGG#/registrationAfter registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information on joining the meeting.
Drastically reducing the military budget may be the most important step that humanity can take toward peace. Yet, vast numbers of people depend on military production for jobs that provide for their families. This webinar will link the needs for economic degrowth and for stopping unending wars. How does war hurt soldiers who participate in it? How does it harm people of color, Native Americans and the world’s colonized communities? How could money wasted on war be redirected to social necessities? How can we ensure jobs for those employed in military production via a shortened work week, retraining and job sharing? Hear from…
Degrowing the Military While Preserving Jobs Wednesday, Nov 13, 20245:30 pm PT, 6:30 MT, 7:30 CT, 8:30 ET The webinar is NO COST, but you need to register to attend. Click on the link below:https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvdOuopzotG9GILKRDALSvYt0B-6QrGgGG#/registrationAfter registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information on joining the meeting.Missouri Green Party Outreach |
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