![]() Dear Patriot,
The November 2024 elections are – thankfully - right around the corner. And while I will be thrilled to put that
chapter behind us, many are fearing the coming chaos. Regardless of who wins on Tuesday, at a minimum you and I are facing a Lame
Duck session unlike any other in history. After all, this will be President Biden’s last chance - after FIFTY
YEARS in D.C. – to make his mark. But the Lame Duck session is not my only
concern. With House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) betraying the grassroots
and falling in line with Big Government statist demands time and time again, many so-called political “experts” are predicting Hakeem
Jeffries (D-NY) will be the next Speaker of the House. Should that occur, I don’t even want to think what could
become of our Republic if Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) retains control of the U.S. Senate. All bets will be off as the new
Congress RAMS through one Big Government boondoggle after another with renewed vigor. They’ve already announced plans to
end the Senate filibuster and pack the U.S. Supreme Court. And should Kamala Harris be elected president, every bill Jeffries and
Schumer send her way will be signed instantly. The truth is, you and I both know even a Republican trifecta does not
guarantee the advancement of liberty. Quite
frankly, I’m worried. Money is tight at Campaign for Liberty these days. Too tight.
I need your
help. Campaign for Liberty simply doesn’t have the resources right now to slow down this train wreck
- let alone stop it. With the media and Deep State scheming along with
statists in BOTH parties, I’ve never seen Washington, D.C. as chaotic as it is today. Considering the gravity of these
times, I believe all of us who believe in liberty, limited government, and our constitutional freedoms have a duty to fight
back. But without your action today, I’m worried we may be unable to muster little more than a whimper
based on our current financial situation. With Congress due back in D.C. shortly after the election, there’s not
much time for me to come up with $19,320 - or be forced to severely curtail all of Campaign for Liberty’s legislative programs.
I’m sure there’s nothing the Deep State and Big Government members of BOTH parties would love
to see more than our inability to fight back. While we have a number of allies in
Congress fighting to slash spending and restore lost liberties, they are up against Big Government statists who continue to escalate spending like
there’s no tomorrow. They’ve REFUSED to keep their promises to stop the weaponization of the DOJ, end warrantless
surveillance, and shut down the bureaucracy that made the Covid tyranny possible. During the coming Lame Duck
session, at a minimum we’ll be facing critical battles against: *** Forced
conscription in the National Defense Authorization Act ***
Skyrocketing spending in the annual spending bills *** More
taxpayer dollars for foreign wars And while there is seemingly no shortage of defensive battles to fight, we’re continuing
the battle for a ban on CBDCs, which is awaiting Senate action right now. No matter which way the election goes,
Congress’ agenda for 2025 will be decided in the immediate days following. You and I will need to act immediately,
either to force our priorities to the very top of Congress’ agenda . . . or to overcome MASSIVE tax and spending hikes, ESCALATING saber
rattling, RENEWED assaults on the First Amendment, gun control, and even more Deep State spying power over each and every one of us.
And you can bet, they’ll attempt to move each of these schemes with lightning speed - BEFORE the grassroots can
mobilize. But in the high-stakes battles that I’m worried are just
around the corner, I fear we won’t have the resources to fight back. As I mentioned, Campaign for Liberty’s bank
accounts are dangerously low. Every organization in Washington, D.C. runs into financial rough patches now and then. The difference
is, other organizations can often call up a wealthy donor or two and ask for some help. Sometimes that comes
with strings attached - like the insistence that an organization “go easy” on a member of Congress who’s recently become a
traitor. In forming Campaign for Liberty, I made a pledge to myself, my staff, and our donors that we would never play
those Washington, D.C. games. We’re not interested in grabbing nice news headlines or getting invited to the fancy cocktail
parties with the media, sleazy lobbyists, and politicians. We’re interested in standing strong for principle - and making a
difference. That’s why Campaign for Liberty is still fueled by good folks like you who helped my presidential
campaigns raise millions - $100, $50, and $25 at a time. So it seems like raising $19,320 shouldn’t be that tough,
right? The answer is, no. It won’t be that hard - if I can count
on your generosity. But oftentimes - in the build up to big elections like the one coming at us
like a freight train - many people choose to give to deserving candidates they want to see elected.
That means
fewer contributions to Campaign for Liberty. And now, after all the chaos of the last few years, many good people are
simply hunkering down to ride out the storm. The problem is if we don’t fight NOW, this storm might do in
our country. Campaign for Liberty is run on a shoestring
budget. We do all we can to carefully spend every red cent possible to make the biggest difference. That means when contributions start to
run dry, we feel it. Big time. So please don’t lay this email aside or think someone else will carry the load.
Will you please act? Campaign for Liberty supporters have never let me down before. And I still believe we
have so much more we can achieve in the future - together. But defeating the statists and renewing liberty in America can’t happen without
paying the bills. If I can’t raise the $19,320, I will not put Campaign for Liberty in debt - even though I believe
we’ll be back on firm financial footing very soon. I pledged never to do so, I am not going to start now.
The truth
is, Campaign for Liberty is not my organization. It’s yours. It belongs to the countless grassroots
patriots all over the country who helped take the Liberty Movement from nothing to a major force in modern American politics.
None of what we’ve fought for and accomplished could have been possible without you.
I know that’s a lot to ask for. But without your support, program cuts will be the only
option. I don’t want to be forced to make this decision. I hope you agree. Your support would mean the world to me
right now - and help Campaign for Liberty continue making a world of difference. I have only a few days before I have to
decide whether or not to make cuts. In
Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul
P.S. With all the resources we’ve been
forced to spend this year, I’m growing more concerned by the day. Money is tight. Too tight.
I have to
raise $19,320 right away to meet our goal and to avoid making serious program cuts. Will you please agree to your most generous contribution
of $250, $100, or at least $50 or $25 today? ![]() If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your cash or check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is
to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)). www.CampaignForLiberty.org |