Email from National Constitution Center Plus: New professional learning in November Top Resources for Election Week Election Day is almost here. The NCC Education Team has collected some new election week resources for educators to teach about the electoral process this week and in the months ahead, here are our top picks: Constitution Daily blog posts: Fewer scenarios likely for a tie in the 2024 presidential election The Constitution and the federal election process The Electoral College’s role in the 2024 Election Constitution 101 Curriculum Module: The Presidency and Executive Power Video: What are the dangers of excessive partisanship? Video: Why did the founders create the Electoral College? America's Town Hall Electing the President: The Popular Vote vs. the Electoral College FIND MORE ELECTION RESOURCES Building Civil Dialogue and Reflection Skills By developing the skills necessary to participate in civil dialogue, students are able to meaningfully reflect on personal understandings and respectfully share with their classmates. Find resources, techniques, and reflection materials for supporting civil dialogue to use in your classroom in our Civil Dialogue and Constitutional Conversations Toolkit. USE THE TOOLKIT A Major Investment in Teacher Programs We are thrilled to share that a generous gift has been made by NCC Trustees Fred and Barbara Sutherland, enabling our team to deliver more professional development programs across the country. The gift will also support our Teacher Advisory Board and Teacher Advisory Council programs, and support new educational programs and resources related to the nation’s 250th anniversary. “[This gift] will ensure that educators across the country are equipped with the best resources to teach their students about our nation’s constitutional history and the contemporary relevance of the Constitution,” said Julie Silverbrook, vice president of Civic Education at the National Constitution Center. “This gift comes at a critically important moment as the Center and the nation prepare to commemorate America’s 250th birthday in 2026, and will ensure that millions of students around the country are inspired to learn, understand, preserve, protect, and perfect the grand experiment in constitutional democracy entrusted to the American people by our forebears.” We will share more updates about new professional learning offerings made possible by this gift. READ THE FULL ANNOUNCEMENT You're Invited: November Events 🗓️ Scholar Exchanges: Schedule a Session In November, featured topics include: The Electoral College, Native Americans and the Constitution, and the Second Amendment. 🗓️ Americas Town Hall: Native Americans and the Supreme Court Online Monday, November 4 | Noon ET In celebration of Native American Heritage month, Keith Richotte Jr. and Matthew L.M. Fletcher discuss Native American history and law through the stories of landmark Supreme Court cases. 🗓️ Live Student Program: Civil War and Reconstruction Virtual Tour Online Tuesday, November 19 | Noon ET Explore the Center’s compelling exhibit, Civil War and Reconstruction: The Battle for Freedom and Equality, with one of our museum educators. 🗓️ Professional Learning: Native American's Contributions to U.S. Constitutional History Online Wednesday, November 20 | 6:30 p.m. ET In this session, educators will delve into the comprehensive historical context of Native American history, examining its constitutional implications and their significance. Connect With Us Constitution 101 | Professional Development | Events Calendar | Online Learning Opportunities The National Constitution Center's education team is here to help. Email with questions or comments. Update your email preferences by clicking the Update Profile link below to subscribe to other National Constitution Center newsletters and manage how often you hear from us. National Constitution Center | Independence Mall, 525 Arch St | Philadelphia, PA 19106 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Our Privacy Policy | Constant Contact Data Notice