Hi Friend, Elise is right. The stakes have never been higher. We cannot allow Nancy Pelosi, AOC and self-proclaimed socialists to be in charge of the House of Representatives as we work to rebuild our nation and restore American jobs. We must win in November. But in order to win, we need the resources to get our message out.
Hi Friend,

Elise is right. The stakes have never been higher. We cannot allow Nancy Pelosi, AOC and self-proclaimed socialists to be in charge of the House of Representatives as we work to rebuild our nation and restore American jobs.

We must win in November. But in order to win, we need the resources to get our message out.



--------- Forwarded Message ---------
From: Elise Stefanik
Date: Mon, May 11, 2020 at 6:35 AM
Subject: The stakes have never been higher.
To: [email protected]


The next generation of American leaders will be elected in November.

The people who win this year will help lead us towards economic independence from China - or they will send us spiraling down into economic ruin.

The stakes have never been higher - that’s why we need Nicole Malliotakis to win her Congressional race and join me in Congress.

Nicole is a fighter. Born and raised in New York City, Nicole is the daughter of Greek and Cuban immigrants. Nicole has spent nearly a decade in the State Legislature working tirelessly for her constituents on Staten Island and Brooklyn. When Hurricane Sandy hit, Nicole rolled up her sleeves and got to work - securing funding, delivering supplies, and helping people rebuild. Now Nicole's district is one of the places hit hardest by Coronavirus, and she has once again stepped up securing and delivering protective equipment for first responders, essential workers, and nursing homes.

We need Nicole Malliotakis to flip her BLUE New York City Seat in Staten Island and Brooklyn RED to help us:

We need Nicole Malliotakis to get to Washington to help us:

Take back the House of Representatives

Remove Nancy Pelosi as Speaker

Hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for the Coronavirus Crisis

Rebuild our economy

President Trump won this seat BIG!

But right now, Nancy Pelosi, AOC, and the socialist squad are pouring millions of dollars into Nicole’s opponent’s campaign in NY-11. If Nicole loses, it’s one more vote for Nancy Pelosi’s plan to raise taxes, open our borders, and continue to allow China to take American jobs.

I need your help: I’ve already rushed Nicole Malliotakis my support so that we can FLIP THE HOUSE.

Will you join me and donate $20, $50, even $100 to Nicole today to help her fight back?

With your help, I know that Nicole will win and we’ll keep our country on the path to recovery.

Elise Stefanik