
In this time of crisis, it’s even more important that we elect leaders with the character, experience, and principles to help us navigate the path forward. That’s why today we are endorsing five incredible candidates in their respective Congressional races.

Christina Hale is a lifelong Hoosier who understands the challenges that everyday families are facing right now. As a non-profit leader at Kiwanis International, Christina focused on community and economic development. Then she ran for the State House and won, earning respect for working across partisan divides. Now, she’s running for Congress in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District.

Hillary Scholten grew up in Michigan and committed at an early age to a life of service. She worked to tackle homelessness and discrimination in her community before going to law school, and as an attorney she spent more than six years at the Department of Justice advocating for strong and equitable immigration policies. Now, she’s running for Congress in Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District.

Evelyn Farkas is the daughter of refugees who fled communist Hungary. For nearly three decades, Evelyn has represented our country advancing human rights, fighting terrorism, defending democracy, and working towards nuclear non-proliferation. She has been a foreign policy leader in the Defense Department, on the Senate Armed Services Committee staff, and as a professor at the U.S. Marine Corps Command Staff College. Now, she’s running for Congress in New York’s 17th Congressional District.

Francis Conole is a U.S. Naval Academy graduate, Iraq War veteran, and former policy advisor to two Secretaries of Defense who has dedicated his life to national service and sacrifice. After a distinguished active duty career, Francis is back home in Central New York, where he continues to serve as a commander in the Navy Reserves. Now, he’s running for Congress in New York’s 24th Congressional District.

Pritesh Gandhi is a first-generation American, a professor and public health expert, and a physician working in a largely-underserved and uninsured community outside Austin, Texas. For these past few months, he’s been working tirelessly at his community health clinic to treat COVID-19 patients, on the frontlines of this pandemic. Now, he’s running for Congress in Texas’ 10th Congressional District.

These five candidates have shown themselves to have qualities of leadership and determination that are required to be successful in Congress—especially during these extraordinary times. They represent the kind of leadership that America so desperately needs from Washington right now, and I am committing myself to doing everything I can between now and November to help them get elected to Congress.

I hope you’ll join me in doing everything you can to help them by making a contribution today to our Serve America Victory Fund.


There are no easy answers to the current crisis, John. But one thing is clear: we need incredible leadership to manage this crisis and to get us back on the path of progress.






P.S. If you can’t afford to donate right now, that’s okay. Too many people are facing financial hardship right now, and taking care of yourself and your loved ones must come first. Thank you for being a part of our family, and let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.