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Dear NCRC members and allies,

We wanted to remind you that NCRC is hosting a webcast today at 1:30 pm ET on the CARES Act, featuring speakers from the SBA, FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Join us as key leaders at federal agencies help us unpack the complex programs and examine how they can help us in our fight for economic justice. 

Speakers include:
  • Bill Briggs, Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Capital Access, SBA
  • Joe Gormley, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Single Family Housing, FHA
  • David Bohley, Vice President, Government and Industry Relations, Fannie Mae
  • Mike Hernandez, Vice President, Housing Access, Affordable Housing Initiatives, Fannie Mae
  • Terry Theologides, Executive Vice President, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary at Fannie Mae
  • Malloy Evans, Senior Vice President & Chief Credit Officer, Single-Family, Fannie Mae
  • Theresa Dumais, Acting Head, Government and Industry Relations, Freddie Mac
  • Ben Gottheim, Senior Director, Mortgage Servicing Policy, Single Family, Freddie Mac
  • Lauren Garren, Vice President and Chief Business Officer, Multifamily, Freddie Mac
Register for the webcast
Thanks for all that you do, and we look forward to seeing you this afternoon!

We are always looking for talented people. 

Click here to see job openings.
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