2019 Government
What are your priorities?
A. |
The Green New Deal, Medicare for all, and amnesty for illegal immigrants.
B. |
Taking on China, cracking down on illegal immigration, and getting conservative judges on the court. |
This invitation has been specially created for John.
Survey ID: #2019GOV-0814
Response Date: PENDING
Respondent: John
Survey Access Code: [email protected]
To prevent tampering, fraudulent, and/or duplicate entries, when you get to the survey page you will be asked to
enter or confirm a survey access code. To make it easy for you, your email address doubles as your survey access code. |
While Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, and Bernie Sanders are busy campaigning and trying to
out-socialist each other on the CNN debate stage – there are critical issues we need to address on the floor of the U.S. Senate.
AND despite what Democrats say, I don't believe for a second that you support their deranged socialist agenda.
Yes. I went there, but now I need you to back me up!
That's why I'm asking you to take my 2019 Government Priorities Survey.
I need to know your opinion and what matters most to you so I can refute the left's shameful rhetoric and stop this attempt to shove their socialist
agenda down our throats.
Here is your unique invitation to take my 2019 Government Priorities Survey.
2019 Government Priorities
Survey Invitation:
This invitation has been specially created for John.
Survey ID: #2019GOV-0814
Response Date: PENDING
Respondent: John
Survey Access Code: [email protected]
To prevent tampering, fraudulent, and/or duplicate entries, when you get to the survey page you will be asked to
enter or confirm a survey access code. To make it easy for you, your email address doubles as your survey access code. |
A lot of people are fed up, but that's not enough.
I can't over-stress the importance of your response to my 2019 Government Priorities Survey. We're up against liberal
elitists who are claiming that socialism and open borders is what American citizens want.
Take the survey and do your part to help me call their bluff.
Thanks again for taking the time to read this today, and I look forward to getting your response!
In Service,

Tom Cotton
United States Senator
Senator Cotton was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army.
Images do not imply endorsement by the Department of Defense or any service branch.
PO Box 7504
Little Rock, AR 72217-7504