![FINAL CHANCE: DONATE TO KEEP GEORGIA BLUE | GOAL: $100,000 | DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 5 - ELECTION DAY](https://prod.cdn.everyaction.com/images/van/NGP/NGP10/1/79081/images/DPG_GIF_E-Day-100K_10.30.2024.gif)
John, this is a long email about Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, Georgia’s role in the 2024 Election, and the fate of our democracy. I hope you’ll read the whole thing, because it’s important. But before you do, will you chip in $15 right now to the Democratic Party of Georgia? Every dollar makes a difference, and we’ll explain why below:
Georgia is one of the most consequential states in the nation.
But Steve Kornacki just reported that Donald Trump is leading Kamala Harris by 1.3 points in Georgia! ↘↘
![Steve Kornacki, NBC NEWS Steve Kornacki, NBC NEWS](https://prod.cdn.everyaction.com/images/van/NGP/NGP10/1/79081/images/DPG_Steve%20Kornacki-Poll-Averages_2024.10.30.jpg)
And with only 3 DAYS LEFT until Election Day, we need all hands on deck to close the gap and push Kamala to victory.
That’s why we’ve set a final $100,000 fundraising goal to give us the resources we need to boost Democratic voter turnout and keep Georgia blue.
In a race this close and this consequential, we can’t afford to fall short. So will you please chip in $15 right now to the Democratic Party of Georgia??
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: |
You might be wondering, does my donation really matter in this election??
And the answer is YES. (Otherwise we wouldn’t be emailing you!)
Every dollar donated allows us to:
• Knock more doors
• Make more phone calls
• And turn out more voters to the polls
In other words, every dollar donated puts us one step closer to securing Democratic victory in November.
That’s why we’ve set our final $100,000 goal to ensure we have the resources to keep our critical operations going through Election Day.
But we need your help to get there. So will you PLEASE chip in $15 right now to help build undeniable support for Kamala Harris and keep Georgia blue?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: |
Let’s do this.
— Democratic Party of Georgia HQ