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Editor's Note:

The past four months have offered a disturbing look at how willingly American citizens have abandoned basic freedoms because federal and state governments have said so. The unprecedented orders to stop work, close schools, and seal church doors have prompted the most sudden capitulation to government overreach in the history of our country. To help in the crisis, Congress has voted to send trillions of dollars to individuals and to businesses, hoping to be the savior while things are going bad. As Cal Thomas describes, however, rarely do these supposedly temporary bailouts go away, leading to what is already being described as a "new normal" of government dependence. It is a slippery slope that will require courage and vigilance to prevent. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
May 13, 2020
Once Upon a Time in Another America

The Wall Street Journal, which is generally considered conservative when it comes to economic issues, published a front-page story last Monday with this headline: “Coronavirus Means the Era of Big Government Is Back.”

Rahm Emanuel, former chief of staff for President Barack Obama and a former mayor of Chicago, is quoted: “The era of Ronald Reagan, that said basically the government is the enemy, is over.”

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