Hi John. Four days to go. We've made it to the final stretch.
I'm so proud of Tim. I'm so proud of this team. I want you to know that, but our work isn't over yet: In these final four days before Election Day, I'm asking you to volunteer to reach voters in your community.
My mom used to say: “Do the work that’s in front of you.” She was asking me to look around, and see how I might serve. How I might contribute.
For the next four days, this is the work in front of you.
Volunteer. Bring a friend. Have conversations in parking lots. Make calls. Knock doors. Bake cookies for those people who are making calls and knocking doors.
Let's do every single thing we can, and let's do it together. That is the way we win.
I can't say enough how important it is to remind everyone that your vote is your voice. The margins are so close that each one of us stepping up to volunteer truly makes a difference.
So, are you with me, John? Sign up to volunteer in these final four days, and let's get this done together. As a voter in Pennsylvania, one of the most critical states of this election, your support is all the more important. Any time you can spare is well worth it.
Not seeing an event that works for you? You can find more volunteer opportunities here.
The real thrill of being on this campaign is getting to live our values. When we really live them, when we really say that is who we are, and when we put that to action -- we will win.
Let's do this together,
Gwen Walz
First Lady of Minnesota