Dear John --

Moving into Level 2 restrictions tomorrow comes at a critical time for our country’s future.

It’s a critical time for Kiwis who kept the faith to stamp out COVID-19, and it’s a critical time for the employers and small businesses who are keen to get on and rebuild New Zealand.

Tomorrow is also Budget Day.

COVID-19 has caused huge economic problems around the world.  The three questions I have for New Zealanders are:

  1. How do we avoid making the economic disaster worse than it needs to be?
  2. How can we get back on track?
  3. And who has the most experienced team to actually deliver?

The economic statistics our country is faced with are incredibly sobering:

  • 1,000 people a day going on JobSeeker support
  • Debt forecast to rise by $100 billion
  • Reserve Bank forecasting 150,000 job losses in the next 6 months
  • GDP forecast to fall by more than 20% this quarter
  • Business confidence at rock bottom, with retail card spending down by 50%

Only National can get New Zealand working again through a credible economic plan:

  1. Keep opening up the economy safely, to get New Zealand working again.
  2. Save jobs by getting cash to small businesses most in need and deliver an effective stimulus to a stalled economy.
  3. Bring common-sense to the 2-metre world to keep us productive.
  4. Unleash private sector investment to drive growth.
  5. Invest in quality infrastructure so New Zealand succeeds in the post-Covid world.

National has a track record of managing the economy in a crisis. We borrowed $50 billion to get us through the global financial crisis and Canterbury earthquakes. In short order we got on top of it, got back to surplus with a strongly growing, confident country and economy. And we have the team to do it again.

This economic recovery is going to be the biggest challenge our nation has ever faced. The choices we make will change New Zealand forever. With the election less than 130 days away, we need your support to ensure our country can get back to work.

Can you chip into our Campaign Fighting Fund right now?

Click here to chip in $30

Click here to chip in $50

Click here to chip in $100

Only National’s capable and experienced team has a real plan to get New Zealand working again, and can actually deliver on it.





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