Friend, the Supreme Court has issued an extremely dangerous ruling -- blocking federal courts from regulating gerrymandering and enabling politicians to abuse their power.
Now, we have no choice but to immediately step up our rigorous state-by-state organizing -- to take that power away from them.
It’s a simple fact: as long as partisan politicians and party insiders have the ability to draw districts with no restrictions behind closed doors, they’ll use it to their own advantage.
That’s why the only guaranteed, permanent solution to gerrymandering is to loosen the stranglehold that self-interested politicians have on the process -- and return power to We the People. So we’ve committed to multiple state-level fights in the coming months to pass impartial redistricting reform -- like independent citizens’ commissions guided by partisan balance, clear nonpartisan standards, and transparency -- to ensure that every vote counts and every voter is fairly represented.
We’re pouring massive amounts of resources into this fight, because we know it’s the right thing to do -- and that it's the ONLY way to break the partisan stranglehold of gerrymandering.
BUT... to sustain this level of activism, we need your special support.
That’s why I’m asking you to make a long-term investment in our work for fair maps and fair redistricting -- by stepping up as a Guardian for Democracy. This special group of Common Cause Members has chosen to make a small and ongoing monthly commitment to help provide the resources we need to win this fight.
Right now, sign up as a Guardian for Democracy and to show our thanks, we’ll send you a free copy of former Common Cause Board Chair Robert Reich’s latest book, The Common Good!
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Friend, what you and I do in the next few months will determine whether or not our democracy can represent us all equally.
After the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gerrymandering politicians in Rucho v. Common Cause, we saw a major outcry from Common Cause Members like you. Hundreds of you wrote and called in, asking what you could do to help.
And that’s when we decided to mount this effort to double the size of our Guardians for Democracy program.
You see, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to end gerrymandering. We’re still fighting to overturn unfair maps in state courts -- like with our Common Cause v. Lewis lawsuit against North Carolina’s Republican-led gerrymandering of state house districts. And we’re working on anti-gerrymandering ballot initiatives and legislative proposals in states across the country, too.
One thing we know for sure: we can’t win this fight in one fell swoop -- we’ll need to put in the work, week in and week out, state by state and map by map. Common Cause is preparing to fight for the long haul -- and we’ll do whatever it takes to make sure it’s the people -- and not partisan political insiders -- who call the shots in our democracy.
That’s why we’re counting on your support -- and why I hope you’ll step up today as a Guardian for Democracy (and claim your copy of Robert Reich's latest book!).
Becoming a Guardian for Democracy is one of the most effective and practical ways to provide long-term support for the issues you care about. You see, knowing what funds we can count on month after month not only helps Common Cause plan and budget -- but it also helps us meet unplanned, unbudgeted emergencies.
And remember -- if you join today, we’ll send you a free copy of Robert Reich’s latest book, The Common Good, as our way to say thanks for all you do.
Please let us know we can count on you,
Kathay Feng, National Redistricting Director
and the team at Common Cause