![]() Dear Patriot, You knew the fight would turn WHITE HOT again . . . and it just did! Mitch McConnell’s allegiance to the Deep State is astonishing. As I wrote you earlier today, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) introduced amendments to Nancy Pelosi’s House-passed SHAM FISA reform bill to make it an even greater threat to your privacy and liberties. Senator McConnell’s amendments are a return to the worst provisions of the so-called Patriot Act. The fact is, Pelosi’s SHAM FISA Reform bill H.R. 6172 keeps the Section 215 mandate that communications companies act as the NSA’s filing cabinet and requires they jump whenever the NSA tells them. So the “reform” is already meaningless as currently written and should be opposed. But the Majority Leader is actually trying to make it worse -- if adopted, McConnell’s amendments would explicitly permit the Deep State to warrantlessly collect records on Americans’ web browsing and search histories! 1) Please call your Senators IMMEDIATELY by dialing 202-224-3121 . . .
or if you’re reading this on your phone, CLICK HERE TO LAUNCH YOUR MOBILE DEVICE’S CALLING
FEATURE and act even faster! Tell them you’ve had enough of the government abuse and snooping on law-abiding Americans made possible by the so-called “USA Freedom Act” and FISA under the guise of “national security” -- Tell them to vote against the Deep State’s SHAM FISA reform (H.R. 6172)! And DEMAND they vote against McConnell's sham amendments that give the Deep State your Internet history anytime they want! 2) After you call, please dig deep and chip in with as generous a contribution as you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty mobilize more patriots to bring the Deep State’s unconstitutional domestic spying programs to a crashing halt! As we predicted, Senator McConnell is relying on the same old same old excuse of “keeping us safe” the Big Government statists have always used to justify their blatantly unconstitutional spying programs on law-abiding Americans. And just as we predicted, McConnell is now insisting coronavirus and Speaker Pelosi’s refusal to bring the House back into session as the reason he must crush real debate and reform and RAM the crown jewel of Deep State domestic spying back into law full force. “This is urgent because the
House refused to take up the Senate’s short-term extension of important counterterrorism and counterintelligence authorities before they left
town. “We must act quickly to clean up their mess and renew these authorities which our government needs to fight terrorists and check the agents of China and Russia.” -- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Like always, the statists’ excuse is “security.” But regardless of what buzzword they use to defend their assaults on our freedoms, their enemy is ALWAYS the same.It’s our privacy. Our liberty. Our “stupidity” for not trusting them enough. Just like the PATRIOT Act, the so-called “USA Freedom Act” traded real liberty for illusionary security . . . this latest sham is more of the same. The fact is, the statists crafted this whole scheme in secret with Attorney General William Barr (the Deep State’s Chief Enforcer) to forcibly collect, store, and search every American’s emails, phone records, text messages, Internet searches, instant messages, online purchases, and Facebook posts whenever the Deep State wants! The Deep State has proven over and over they’ll abuse their domestic spying powers. Now Deep State lackeys McConnell, Barr, Pelosi, and the rest of the Deep State's thugs are hoping to pull the wool over Americans’ eyes with sham reform or some window-dressing amendment that keeps their spying powers running full blast. Of course, Barr is the very same Attorney General whose Department of Justice goons asked Congress at the start of this whole coronavirus mess for “emergency” powers to indefinitely detain law-abiding citizens without so much as a judge signing off. So you don’t have to think very long to see how terrible this could get. . . Consider for a second the actions of Big Government authoritarians in BOTH parties in the course of this whole coronavirus mess. And of course, they've added coronavirus to their list of excuses to spy on you and me. In fact, Scott Gottlieb, a former FDA commissioner in the Trump administration, recently raised that narrative. Echoing Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates on massive government "track and trace" requirements, he stated “the massive surveillance system that we need to detect infection quickly we’re hopefully going to have in place.” Now, Trump administration Economic Advisor Kevin Hasset is saying “There Is No Downside” to implementing a national surveillance testing and an aggressive contact tracing system. Meanwhile, tech giants like Facebook, Google, Twitter, and others openly admitted turning over phone GPS location data to government officials under the guise of the coronavirus. But the truth is, they have been tied at the hip to the Deep State for nearly two decades now, handing the NSA gobs of private information on law-abiding Americans anytime it’s asked for! And it will get much worse if this SHAM FISA reform is rammed through as currently written. And even worse if Senator McConnell’s amendments are adopted that would explicitly permit the Deep State to warrantlessly collect records on Americans’ web browsing and search histories! So, I’m counting on your IMMEDIATE action today. First, please call your Senators IMMEDIATELY by dialing 202-224-3121 . . . or if you’re reading this on your phone, CLICK HERE TO LAUNCH YOUR MOBILE DEVICE’S CALLING FEATURE and act even faster! Tell them you’ve had enough of the government abuse and snooping on law-abiding Americans made possible by the so-called “USA Freedom Act” and FISA under the guise of “national security.” Tell them to vote against the Deep State’s SHAM FISA reform (H.R. 6172). And DEMAND they vote against McConnell's sham amendments that give the Deep State your Internet history anytime they want! Then, please dig deep and chip in with as generous a contribution as you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty mobilize more patriots to bring the Deep State’s unconstitutional domestic spying programs to a crashing halt!Won’t you please consider making your most generous contribution of $50 today? I know that's a lot to ask, but your Campaign for Liberty has been neck-deep in halting America’s further slide toward total authoritarianism and we’ve been stretched thin during the coronavirus panic. Of course, if $50 is too much, then please consider a generous contribution of $25 or at least $10. These funds will supercharge our grassroots muscle to make it 100% clear to your elected legislators that the FBI, NSA, and their Deep State allies have run rough-shod over Americans’ civil liberties long enough. Please act at once. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman |