Dear John
We'd like to hear from you. To end UK poverty, we need to be part of a big, powerful movement. A movement made up of people like you.
As we plan our work for the years ahead, we'd like to know more about our supporters, so that we can find better ways to work together.
Can you spare about 15 minutes to complete a short survey? We'd like to ask about how and why you're connected with Church Action on Poverty, and what would help you to do even more to help end UK poverty.
To say thank you for completing the survey - and for all your support - you'll be entered into a prize draw. If you win, you can choose a free copy of Dignity, Agency, Power - our anthology of poems and prayers - or Just Worship - the new book by anti-poverty activist Stef Benstead.
Complete the survey
Church Action on Poverty
28 Sandpiper Court, Water's Edge Business Park, Modwen Road, Salford M5 3EZ | 0161 872 9294
Registered charity number 1079986. Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, number 3780243.
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