We have a lot of work ahead to free the countless others who are still behind bars and to prevent future injustices
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John —
We've been grateful to see some of our cases turned into a docu-series for Netflix because we know how much good it will do to reach a wider audience with these important stories.
The series has inspired so many people to get more involved in the fight for the wrongfully convicted.
One question we’re getting a lot these days is “What can I do to help?” If The Innocence Files inspired you, today’s a great day to take the next step. Here are a few ways you can get involved right now:
1. Spread the word about The Innocence Files ([link removed]) : Tell your friends about the show right now and encourage them to watch it.
2. Get to know your local Innocence Network organization ([link removed]) : The Innocence Network is a group of independent organizations that exonerate and support the innocent and redress the causes of wrongful conviction. There are local innocence organizations across the country — find yours and support them today.
3. Run your own Facebook fundraiser ([link removed]) : It’s easy to organize your very own fundraiser for the Innocence Project, whether it's in honor of a birthday, an anniversary, or just because this cause means a lot to you. These personal requests are a powerful way to show your friends and family what you care about.
There are so many opportunities available to you right now, right from your desk, couch, or wherever you're online these days. Check out our team’s recommendations for a whole host of ways to get involved here ([link removed]) .
We have a lot of work ahead to free the countless others who are still behind bars and to prevent future injustices — and we can’t do it without you.
Thanks for being a part of this team,
—The Innocence Project Team
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The Innocence Project exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.
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