New rating shows values

Hi John,

Rep. David Schweikert recently put out a boastful statement about his 97% rating from a conservative group. Yes, during a pandemic this is what he is talking about.

We read the ratings.

He received a high score because he voted *against* health care, net neutrality, gun safety, the environment and against protecting women.

No points were lost, however, for his role in increasing the deficit in order to give out corporate tax cuts.

This rating isn't about fiscally smart policy. It is about radically right views.

David Schweikert has never represented the values of our Arizona district, and he has gotten away with misleading voters for far too long.

His votes are his real truth, and he is so extreme he is actually the worst of the Arizona GOP. In fact, his average lifetime rating from this same conservative group is higher than that of Reps. Gosar, Lesko and Biggs, some of Trump's favorites.
*American Conservative Union Foundation’s 2019 Ratings of Congress

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Anita Malik