If you think about it, canvassing is really just trick-or-treating for votes instead of candy...

OK, OK. I know you’re probably thinking, “Sean, it’s Halloween, I have a busy night of trick-or-treating ahead of me. Why are you sending me a fundraising email?”
Bear with me. (I pledge to keep this as short and sweet as a fun-size candy bar.)
We’re just hours from the final fundraising deadline before Election Day and we still haven't quite hit our goal. If…
…1,570 people donate $10
or 628 people donate $25
or 314 people donate $50
...we'd be able to make an urgent final investment in our field program and get our message out to every voter in the district.
Remember, in an election this important, we can't take a single vote for granted.
If YOU become one of the awesome grassroots supporters to chip in before midnight tonight, we’ll be able to breathe a little easier tomorrow morning.
So please, before you get back to your Halloween plans: Can we count on you?
Talk soon,