Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Thursday, October 31, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
The Fallout Continues
The fallout from what some are calling “Garbage Gate” continues. With the same instinct that led him to cook fries at McDonald’s, Donald Trump immediately realized that Biden’s insulting remark presented a moment of clarity.
Trump showed up at a Wisconsin rally in a garbage truck. He was wearing a reflective safety vest, which he kept on throughout his speech.
We shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking this was a stupid one-off remark by Biden, and we should just move on. The symbolic value of his disgusting attack is priceless.
The left’s contempt and disdain for everyday Americans has been obvious for decades. In simpler times, these Americans were called the “Silent Majority.” Jerry Falwell called everyday Christians the “Moral Majority.”
Whatever you want to call these Americans, the neo-Marxist secular left can’t stomach us and our values.
Remember fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who led the fake Russia collusion investigation? He not only hated Donald Trump, he despised his supporters, too. Strzok texted his mistress, “Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support.” He thought he was being funny, but his comment was dripping with contempt.

The Great Chasm
While we lament the divisions in our country, we must remember that conservatives and Christians are not responsible for the great and growing chasm that exists between the radical left and us.
The research on this is absolutely clear. The left has become much more extreme. (See next item.) Their disdain is real and growing (here, here, and here), and it is driven by powerful forces.
The more educational degrees someone has, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. Not because they are smarter. They’re not. But because they have spent more years in the Marxist indoctrination camps that we used to call colleges and universities. Many faculty lounges have never seen a Republican.
The vast majority of billionaires and many corporate CEOs support the left because they are globalists first, not Americans first.
Love of God and country defines real America. They are the hardworking men and women of the heartland. For them, Faith, Family, and Freedom isn’t a slogan. It’s a way of life. They want America to be great again.
That’s why the secular globalist left can’t stand the MAGA movement. Nations and borders are stumbling blocks to the globalist government they want to impose on us.
The two countries standing in the way of globalism are Israel and the United States. Israel is made up of “the chosen people,” and America has been referred to as the “almost chosen people.” The Founding Fathers looked for ways to symbolically link America to Israel.
The left disdains anyone with normal values. If you’re a man who wants to protect women and children, you’re a throwback from a bygone era. Every day they want to erase what we knew the day before. Every day is a chance for them to create the new Marxist man here in America.
The left is constantly lecturing us about compassion. Compassion for women getting abortions. Compassion for illegal aliens. Compassion for the LGBTQ lobby.
But they have no compassion for the everyday American who defends this country and makes it work. Those people they call “Nazis,” “bitter clingers,” “deplorable,” and now “garbage.”
Let’s hope that Biden’s slur will awaken enough people to make a big difference on Election Day.
Follow The Money
Kamala Harris has gone to great lengths to fool voters and convince them she is a centrist. Open borders is a good example.
Her whole political life she supported decriminalizing illegal entry and offering “free” healthcare to illegal aliens. In the last 90 days, she promises strong border security and quick deportations. Talk about “extreme makeovers.”
Don’t fall for it. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, and there is strong evidence that she still clings to her radical views.
An analysis of her campaign spending shows Harris has given millions of dollars to far-left fringe groups.
These groups support defunding the police. Only 15% of Americans support that insane idea.
These groups support reparations for slavery. Only 29% of voters even in left-wing California support reparations.
These groups are led by supporters of Louis Farrakhan, America’s leading antisemite.
Harris is funding these fringe groups because they are the base of today’s Democrat Party, and she needs their votes.
By the way, Harris doubled down on her support for mass amnesty in her “closing arguments” speech, another radical and extremely unpopular idea. And one of her key supporters is vowing to “unleash nationally what we’ve been able to unleash here in the state of California.”
Translation: They want to turn America into a “sanctuary country.”
Poll Position
Here’s a quick look at where things stand as we enter the final days of the 2024 campaign.
In the national polls, Donald Trump is leading Kamala Harris by the narrowest of margins – 48.5% to 48%.
At this point in 2016, Hillary Clinton was leading Trump by 1.3 points, while Joe Biden was up by 7.4 points.
If the polls are right -- and that’s a big IF – Kamala is underperforming compared to Hillary, which is not good news for the Harris campaign.
In the battleground states that will decide the winner of the Electoral College and thus the White House, Trump is leading in five of the seven swing states. He has a very slim lead in Pennsylvania, which would most likely guarantee a Trump victory if he wins the state.
Today, Trump is campaigning in Nevada and New Mexico. He will hold a rally in Virginia on Saturday. He is clearly playing offense, hoping to put a few Blue states in play.
Harris is holding events today in Arizona and Nevada. Both states, but especially Arizona, are key to her path to victory.
We are five days away from Election Day, November 5th.
We must not be complacent. We cannot take anything for granted.
Please take advantage of early voting if it is still an option in your state, and please make sure that all your like-minded friends and family members have voted or have made a plan to vote.
Defending Faith, Family, & Freedom
In this week’s “Defending, Faith, Family, and Freedom” podcast for the James Dobson Family Institute, I examine dueling church appearances by Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. The candidates speak frankly about their faith and their comments are very revealing.
Listen to the podcast now.
