Dear John,
Skill and experience in negotiation and compromise is one of the assets I'll bring to Portland City Hall as mayor. I learned a lot about collaboration and public budgeting while getting my Master's degree in Public Policy from the Muskie School. But the best lessons came across the dinner table.
Nearly every family decision, whether that's what to eat or when to leave for school in the morning, involves a compromise. It's the same with public policy. The successful outcome of a good, collaborative decision is something that everyone can live with.
I think it is absolutely essential that Portland's mayor has demonstrated experience and aptitude stewarding a public budgeting process. Public service is not always celebration and ribbon cutting. The real work of service is often tireless, tedious and hard work to balance desire and capacity.
My campaign has a goal of raising $25,000 by the end of this month to make sure we're able to fund the next few short weeks until Election Day. (Yes, we do have a budget and, yes, I do track it personally.)
Can you make a contribution today to make sure we’re able to fund the mailers, online ads, lawn signs, and last-minute campaign supplies before the end of the month?
As both Chair of the School Board, Chair of the Finance Committee, and currently as Executive Director of the Foundation for Portland Public Schools, I have the needed experience and temperament to guide the city toward a shared vision.
Our community needs service and action right now — not politics.
Can you help with a donation today?
Thank you.
For the love of Portland,