Hello John,

Lately, I have been strongly criticizing the progressive wing in the Demcratic Party for their vote on the latest stimulus bill that is nothing but a transfer of people’s wealth to the top 1%, and for remaining silent and being supportive of our imperialistic projects overseas especially, now, in Iran and Venezuela.

It is important to distinguish ourselves from the other ‘supposed’ reforming movements because if we are really serious about our desire to make a change and fight oppression, then we cannot let the people confuse our movement with other movements that look similar to us but practically differ from us drastically.

Progressive Democrats almost always follow their party line on the major bills that have substantial impact on the people, like the latest stimulus bill which is considered to be the largest transfer of wealth and theft in our history with irreversible damages.  (the entire Senate voted for it including my opponent Merkley, the house help a verbal vote)

As for our Interviews and media coverage, here are some of the latest:

“In short, Merkley is your standard liberal, America needs more than just your standard liberal, and it’s clear that Ibrahim #Taher has much more to offer than #Merkley. In a just world, that would give #Taher a fighting chance at victory, but instead, the best we can hope for is to get the ball rolling, and no one will commit unless they see that other people are already doing it. So now is as good of a time as any to take the lead.”

You can read here the full text of Annie Gallagher’s article.

Here are links to my latest interview:

1- May 3rd, 2020 with Dennis Crawford of KBTV. 

2. May 8th, 2020 with Sierra Grove. 

Thanks & Regards,
Taher For US Senate 2020

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